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Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1564 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
Our Services Price Order
1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [563 Million Domains] $10,000 Details


Reverse Whois » KEYWORD [lonestar ]  { 22,736 domain names }

NumDomain NameRegistrarCreatedUpdatedExpiry
1lonestar.orgCloudFlare, Inc.8 Nov 198913 Oct 20237 Nov 2024
2lonestar.edu-18 Dec 20077 Sep 201631 Jul 2018
3lonestar.pro101domain, Inc.16 Sep 201911 Sep 202316 Sep 2024
4lonestar.emailGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jul 201412 Jun 20234 Jul 2024
5lonestar.capitalFabulous.com Pty Ltd.12 May 202115 May 202412 May 2025
6lonestar.mediaNameKing.com Inc.16 Jan 202417 Mar 202416 Jan 2025
7lonestar.danceeNom, Inc.29 Aug 201431 Jul 201729 Aug 2018
8lonestar.servicesGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201714 Jul 202324 Oct 2027
9lonestar.land1&1 Internet AG8 Sep 201423 Oct 20238 Sep 2024
10lonestar.propertiesPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com7 Aug 202123 Jun 20237 Aug 2024
11lonestar.loansGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Feb 20224 Feb 20234 Feb 2024
12lonestar.companyGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Oct 201416 Nov 20172 Oct 2018
13lonestar.attorneyGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Oct 201410 Oct 201410 Oct 2015
14lonestar.supplyNetwork Solutions, LLC18 Oct 201424 Aug 202318 Oct 2025
15lonestar.agencyPorkbun, LLC24 Mar 20238 May 202424 Mar 2025
16lonestar.network-8 Feb 202411 Mar 20248 Feb 2025
17lonestar.restaurantGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Mar 201927 Mar 201927 Mar 2020
18lonestar.solutionsNameCheap, Inc.14 Dec 201919 Nov 202314 Dec 2024
19lonestar.churchGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jan 201515 Aug 202315 Jan 2025
20lonestar.venturesNameCheap, Inc.18 Apr 202223 Apr 202218 Apr 2025
21lonestar.propertyUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 20154 Feb 201531 Jan 2016
22lonestar.bidGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Feb 201526 Feb 201525 Feb 2016
23lonestar.photoGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Feb 20158 Apr 201722 Feb 2018
24lonestar.insureGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Mar 201530 Mar 201530 Mar 2016
25lonestar.life-23 Nov 202314 Apr 202423 Nov 2024
26lonestar.pokerGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 20207 Sep 20207 Sep 2021
27lonestar.partnersGoDaddy.com, LLC29 May 201513 Jul 202329 May 2025
28lonestar.solarGoogle, Inc.17 Oct 202017 Apr 202417 Oct 2024
29lonestar.energyGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Sep 201931 Oct 202316 Sep 2024
30lonestar.moneyGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Dec 201723 Jan 20249 Dec 2024
31lonestar.sitePorkbun, LLC26 Oct 201718 Jan 202426 Oct 2024
32lonestar.coopEnCirca, Inc.12 Mar 201519 Feb 202412 Mar 2025
33lonestar.onlineNameCheap, Inc.16 May 201617 May 202416 May 2025
34lonestar.londonMinds + Machines Registrar Limited31 Aug 201531 Aug 201531 Aug 2016
35lonestar.ninjaName.com, Inc.17 Sep 201517 Sep 201517 Sep 2016
36lonestar.technology1&1 Internet AG9 Sep 20219 Sep 20219 Sep 2022
37lonestar.feedbackReserved for non-billable transactions where Regis…15 Oct 20152 Apr 202415 Oct 2024
38lonestar.careGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Oct 201525 Jun 202327 Oct 2024
39lonestar.healthcareGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Oct 201525 Jun 202327 Oct 2024
40lonestar.reporteNom, Inc.29 Oct 201529 Oct 201529 Oct 2016
41lonestar.liveCSC Corporate Domains, Inc.31 Mar 20233 Mar 202431 Mar 2025
42lonestar.clickUniregistrar Corp26 Nov 201526 Nov 201526 Nov 2016
43lonestar.coffeeGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jun 20249 Jun 20249 Jun 2025
44lonestar.holdingsGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Dec 20156 Jan 201715 Dec 2017
45lonestar.clubName.com, Inc.16 Dec 201525 Nov 201815 Dec 2027
46lonestar.domainsGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Jan 201614 Jan 201614 Jan 2017
47lonestar.toolsGoogle, Inc.27 Dec 202127 Dec 202327 Dec 2024
48lonestar.constructionGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Jan 201627 Jun 202325 Jan 2026
49lonestar.techChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…11 Jul 202019 Apr 202411 Jul 2024
50lonestar.footballNetwork Solutions, LLC28 Dec 202210 Mar 202428 Dec 2023
51lonestar.cafeGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Mar 201619 Mar 201619 Mar 2018
52lonestar.momUniregistrar Corp3 May 201613 Jun 20173 May 2017
53lonestar.college-1 May 20161 May 20161 May 2017
54lonestar.asiaRealtime Register B.V.1 Jun 20161 Jun 20161 Jun 2017
55lonestar.comDomain.com, LLC24 May 19943 May 202423 May 2025
56lonestar.world-4 Dec 202314 Apr 20244 Dec 2024
57lonestar.build-6 Jun 20166 Jun 20166 Jun 2017
58lonestar.cityGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Feb 202110 Feb 202110 Feb 2022
59lonestar.rocksNameCheap, Inc.7 Apr 20227 Apr 20247 Apr 2025
60lonestar.oneAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…12 Jul 201626 Aug 202312 Jul 2024
61lonestar.contractorsGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Apr 20144 May 202022 Apr 2021
62lonestar.trainingTucows Domains Inc.20 Jun 201426 May 202420 Jun 2025
63lonestar.centerNameCheap, Inc.4 Dec 20184 Dec 20184 Dec 2019
64lonestar.academyGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jul 201419 Jun 20238 Jul 2024
65lonestar.photographyGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Feb 20145 Apr 201620 Feb 2017
66lonestar.bizNamesilo, LLC27 Mar 20029 Mar 202426 Mar 2025
67lonestar.marketingGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jul 201922 Jul 201917 Jul 2020
68lonestar.topEranet International Limited26 Dec 202231 Jan 202426 Dec 2023
69lonestar.limoGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 202317 Oct 202312 Oct 2024
70lonestar.enterprisesOnline SAS24 Feb 201824 Feb 201824 Feb 2019
71lonestar.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Dec 201014 Oct 202317 Dec 2024
72lonestar.netDynadot, LLC27 Mar 199729 May 202428 Mar 2026
73lonestar.xyzWild West Domains, LLC17 Jun 201416 Jun 202417 Jun 2025
74lonestar.it-6 Mar 200010 Dec 202324 Nov 2024
75lonestar.tvGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Jan 200915 Jun 202325 Jan 2033
76lonestar.storeGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Feb 202418 Apr 202411 Feb 2025
77lonestar.eventsGoogle, Inc.9 Nov 20169 Nov 20169 Nov 2017
78lonestar.clothingGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 201625 Oct 201716 Nov 2018
79lonestar.farm1API GmbH5 Dec 201619 Jan 20245 Dec 2024
80lonestar.photosTucows Domains Inc.25 Sep 202330 Sep 202325 Sep 2024
81lonestar.designGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jan 201730 Jan 202424 Jan 2025
82lonestar.co-21 Jul 201021 Feb 202420 Jul 2024
83lonestar.houseGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Apr 201729 Sep 20173 Apr 2018
84lonestar.deliveryGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Jun 20177 Jun 20177 Jun 2018
85lonestar.foundationGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Jan 202121 Feb 20247 Jan 2025
86lonestar.fitnesseNom, Inc.9 Jul 202314 Jul 20239 Jul 2024
87lonestar.toursGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 20243 Jun 20243 Jun 2025
88lonestar.loveTucows Domains Inc.30 Aug 202315 Nov 202330 Aug 2026
89lonestar.helpUniregistrar Corp5 Sep 20175 Sep 20175 Sep 2018
90lonestar.repairPorkbun, LLC19 Jun 202319 Jun 202419 Jun 2025
91lonestar.supportUniregistrar Corp5 Sep 20175 Sep 20175 Sep 2018
92lonestar.plumbingUniregistrar Corp5 Sep 20175 Sep 20175 Sep 2018
93lonestar.digitalNameCheap, Inc.16 Aug 202122 Jul 202316 Aug 2024
94lonestar.soccerGoogle, Inc.21 Jan 201919 Apr 202421 Jan 2025
95lonestar.groupGoogle, Inc.8 Sep 202223 Oct 20238 Sep 2024
96lonestar.co.nz-27 Jan 199730 Jan 2024-
97lonestar.cloudGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 201713 Nov 20237 Nov 2025
98lonestar.creditGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Dec 201723 Jan 20249 Dec 2024
99lonestar.co.uk-23 Apr 19977 Apr 202423 Apr 2026
100lonestar.studioGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Jan 201818 Jun 202422 Jan 2025
101lonestar.internationalAutomattic Inc.24 Mar 201824 Mar 201824 Mar 2019
102lonestar.legalGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Jun 202215 Aug 202322 Jun 2025
103lonestar.usGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Aug 20133 Jan 202431 Jul 2025
104lonestar.bet-8 Apr 202413 Apr 20248 Apr 2025
105lonestar.rentalsGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Aug 20188 Oct 202324 Aug 2024
106lonestar.fyiGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Sep 201813 Sep 201813 Sep 2019
107lonestar.coachGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Oct 201819 Nov 20235 Oct 2024
108lonestar.productionsNameCheap, Inc.6 Jan 20196 Jan 20196 Jan 2020
109lonestar.investmentsGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201928 Aug 201923 Aug 2020
110lonestar.pizzaGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jan 202010 Jan 202010 Jan 2021
111lonestar.sucksRebel.com Corp.8 Jul 201522 Aug 20238 Jul 2024
112lonestar.goldGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 202021 Jul 20233 Jun 2025
113lonestar.inkGandi SAS13 Apr 201716 Mar 202413 Apr 2025
114lonestar.glassNameCheap, Inc.22 Aug 202026 Aug 202322 Aug 2024
115lonestar.homesGoogle, Inc.22 Aug 202022 Aug 202022 Aug 2021
116lonestar.greenGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Apr 201823 Apr 202022 Apr 2022
117lonestar.team-5 Feb 20245 Apr 20245 Feb 2025
118lonestar.schoolGoogle, Inc.15 Sep 202030 Oct 202315 Sep 2024
119lonestar.realtyEpik Inc.26 Sep 202017 Nov 202126 Sep 2022
120lonestar.dogGoogle, Inc.16 Oct 202030 Nov 202316 Oct 2024
121lonestar.lightingGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Nov 202012 Nov 202012 Nov 2021
122lonestar.exchangeGoogle, Inc.1 Aug 202223 Apr 20241 Aug 2024
123lonestar.financialNameCheap, Inc.5 Jan 20215 Jan 20215 Jan 2022
124lonestar.todayNameCheap, Inc.2 Feb 20218 Jan 20242 Feb 2025
125lonestar.spaceNetwork Solutions, LLC14 Aug 20219 May 202414 Aug 2024
126lonestar.taxNameCheap, Inc.10 Oct 202115 Sep 202310 Oct 2024
127lonestar.worksGoogle, Inc.27 Dec 202127 Dec 202327 Dec 2024
128lonestar.realestateGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jan 202224 Jan 202417 Jan 2025
129lonestar.plusGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Feb 20221 Apr 202416 Feb 2025
130lonestar.fundGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Mar 202214 Apr 20243 Mar 2024
131lonestar.ca-10 Feb 200326 Mar 202410 Feb 2025
132lonestar.businessNameKing.com Inc.24 Jun 202324 Jun 202424 Jun 2025
133lonestar.aero101domain, Inc.11 Apr 202221 May 202311 Apr 2024
134lonestar.travelNameCheap, Inc.8 Jul 202218 Sep 20238 Jul 2023
135lonestar.co.in-5 May 201318 May 20245 May 2026
136lonestar.filmGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 202220 Aug 202314 Aug 2024
137lonestar.bzTucows Domains Inc.20 Aug 202230 Sep 202320 Aug 2023
138lonestar.instituteGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 202219 Oct 20237 Sep 2023
139lonestar.limitedGoogle, Inc.8 Sep 202223 Oct 20238 Sep 2024
140lonestar.au--29 Mar 2024-
141lonestar.chatGoogle, Inc.9 Nov 202223 Apr 20249 Nov 2024
142lonestar.net.au--30 Jun 2023-
143lonestar.babyGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Dec 202216 Apr 202410 Dec 2024
144lonestar.bar-25 Oct 20228 Jan 202425 Oct 2023
145lonestar.education-3 Apr 202410 Apr 20243 Apr 2025
146lonestar.appPorkbun, LLC26 Mar 202431 Mar 202426 Mar 2025
147lonestar.beerGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 20219 Jun 20243 Jun 2025
148lonestar.africaDomain Name Services (Pty) Ltd10 Jul 20232 Aug 202310 Jul 2024
149lonestar.autosGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Dec 202023 Jan 202312 Dec 2022
150lonestar.be-21 Nov 2010--
151lonestar.cameraNameCheap, Inc.11 Jul 201616 Jun 202311 Jul 2024
152lonestar.cashGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Dec 201723 Jan 20249 Dec 2024
153lonestar.casinoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Apr 20213 Jun 202419 Apr 2025
154lonestar.consultingName.com, Inc.9 Feb 202317 Jan 20249 Feb 2025
155lonestar.dayGoogle, Inc.12 Feb 202218 May 202412 Feb 2025
156lonestar.bio-25 Jun 202425 Jun 202425 Jun 2025
157lonestar.hostPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com17 Mar 202318 Mar 202417 Mar 2025
158lonestar.fishingGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Apr 202213 May 20241 Apr 2024
159lonestar.ccDomainshop LLC2 Jun 20233 Jun 20242 Jun 2025
160lonestar.llcGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 202119 Oct 20234 Sep 2024
161lonestar.devGoogle, Inc.24 Jul 20208 May 202424 Jul 2024
162lonestar.gamesAmazon Registrar, Inc.24 Mar 202429 Mar 202424 Mar 2025
163lonestar.gardenGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 201714 Jul 20237 Sep 2027
164lonestar.globalGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 201915 Dec 202331 Oct 2024
165lonestar.guitarsReserved for non-billable transactions where Regis…29 Jul 202331 Aug 202329 Jul 2024
166lonestar.hr-2 Jul 20083 Oct 20233 Oct 2024
167lonestar.icuWest263 International Limited24 Jul 202024 Jul 202324 Jul 2024
168lonestar.inDynadot, LLC20 Jan 201723 Feb 202420 Jan 2025
169lonestar.jp-17 Oct 20161 Nov 202331 Oct 2024
170lonestar.lawyerGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Apr 202227 May 202412 Apr 2025
171lonestar.lawGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 201912 Nov 20236 Nov 2024
172lonestar.linkNameCheap, Inc.3 Feb 20219 Jan 20243 Feb 2025
173lonestar.meGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jul 201531 Aug 202317 Jul 2024
174lonestar.mortgageGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Apr 201922 Jun 20245 Apr 2025
175lonestar.nl-2 May 200712 Dec 2013-
176lonestar.nycGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Oct 201414 Oct 20238 Oct 2024
177lonestar.vipNameCheap, Inc.9 Jun 202224 Jun 20239 Jun 2023
178lonestar.ripPorkbun, LLC16 May 202216 May 202316 May 2024
179lonestar.blogDomain.com, LLC11 May 20231 May 202411 May 2025
180lonestar.websiteNameCheap, Inc.18 Sep 201413 Nov 202318 Sep 2024
181lonestar.social-14 Jul 202314 Apr 202414 Jul 2024
182lonestar.ind.in-28 Dec 202027 Nov 202328 Dec 2030
183lonestar.uk-3 Jul 20192 Jun 20243 Jul 2024
184lonestar.bondPorkbun, LLC19 Oct 202316 Nov 202319 Oct 2024
185lonestar.auctionNameKing.com Inc.19 Nov 202324 Nov 202319 Nov 2024
186lonestar.direct-20 Feb 202424 Apr 202420 Feb 2025
187lonestar.com.au--7 Jun 2024-
188lonestar.ru-22 May 2019-22 May 2025
189lonestar.equipmentAutomattic Inc.19 Jun 202419 Jun 202419 Jun 2025
190lonestar.singlesPorkbun, LLC22 Jun 202422 Jun 202422 Jun 2025
191lonestarlandlaw.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Sep 200319 Sep 202318 Sep 2025
192lonestarvarsity.comBrandsight, Inc.4 Aug 20087 Jul 20234 Aug 2024
193lonestarpet.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 May 19972 May 20242 May 2025
194lonestarcu.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 200022 Jun 202316 Aug 2027
195lonestarjewels.comBigRock Solutions Ltd.1 Nov 200815 Nov 20171 Nov 2019
196lonestarnationalbank.comNetwork Solutions, LLC8 Jan 19988 Nov 20227 Jan 2028
197lonestarcandlesupply.comNetwork Solutions, LLC27 Aug 199921 Jan 202227 Aug 2026
198lonestarwesterndecor.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jan 200510 May 20232 Jan 2025
199lonestar-sc.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Jan 200428 Jan 202428 Jan 2025
200lonestar925.comMarkMonitor Inc.12 Jan 20078 Feb 202412 Jan 2025
201lonestarauctioneers.comNetwork Solutions, LLC23 Mar 199728 Jan 202224 Mar 2025
202lonestarball.comAmazon Registrar, Inc.31 Mar 200531 Jul 202331 Mar 2025
203lonestarcourt.comNetwork Solutions, LLC10 Sep 20101 Nov 202310 Sep 2027
204lonestardistribution.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Sep 19991 Oct 202230 Sep 2024
205lonestarlearning.comregister.com, Inc.6 Oct 20005 Sep 20236 Oct 2024
206lonestarmusic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 199927 Oct 202326 Oct 2026
207lonestaronline.comNetwork Solutions, LLC6 Mar 20025 Jan 20216 Mar 2026
208lonestarpercussion.comNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Jan 19972 Nov 20151 Jan 2025
209lonestarphp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 20117 Mar 20249 Mar 2025
210lonestarrv.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Mar 199721 Mar 202427 Mar 2030
211lonestarstangs.comDropCatch.com 894 LLC6 Aug 20227 Feb 20236 Aug 2024
212lonestarsteakhouse.comNamesilo, LLC30 May 19964 May 202429 May 2025
213lonestartexasgrill.comRebel.com Corp.7 Sep 200223 Jul 20237 Sep 2024
214lonestarvisa.comGoogle, Inc.21 Oct 201421 Oct 201721 Oct 2018
215lonestarhomesok.comGKG.NET, INC.5 Oct 20105 Jul 20175 Oct 2017
216lonestarsymphony.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Feb 2016-12 Feb 2017
217lonestarsaferooms.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Oct 20145 Apr 20234 Apr 2025
218lonestarweedshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201423 Oct 202322 Oct 2025
219lonestarrabbitry.comDropCatch.com 414 LLC22 Oct 201423 Oct 201722 Oct 2018
220lonestarpropertypreservation.comregister.com, Inc.22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
221lonestarflowerpower.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201422 Sep 201622 Oct 2019
222lonestarcompassionategrowers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201423 Oct 202322 Oct 2025
223lonestarenergy.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC11 May 202318 Aug 202311 May 2028
224lonestarrehabbers.comeNom, Inc.23 Oct 201424 Sep 201623 Oct 2017
225lonestarmetroplex.comXin Net Technology Corporation19 May 202116 Feb 202219 May 2022
226lonestarhwy.comNetwork Solutions, LLC23 Oct 201426 Mar 201529 Dec 2024
227lonestarfumigation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
228lonestardualsportriders.comeNom, Inc.23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
229lonestarpark.comNetwork Solutions, LLC14 Mar 199615 Jan 202415 Mar 2029
230lonestarsmart.netNamesilo, LLC11 Feb 201717 Jan 201811 Feb 2018
231lonestarjack.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2017
232lonestarer.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 20146 Dec 202322 Oct 2024
233lonestarer.netGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201423 Oct 202322 Oct 2024
234lonestarfunds.comNetwork Solutions, LLC6 Jan 20007 Nov 20236 Jan 2027
235lonestaryards.comeNom, Inc.24 Oct 201419 Oct 201724 Oct 2018
236lonestarshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Nov 20227 Jun 202425 Nov 2024
237lonestarfreedomsolutions.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
238lonestarford.comNetwork Solutions, LLC19 Jan 19961 Jul 201820 Jan 2028
239lonestarchevrolet.comNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Oct 200117 Sep 20232 Oct 2024
240lonestardolly.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jan 202411 Jan 202411 Jan 2025
241lonestarmobi.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 201125 May 201524 May 2016
242lonestarwatersports.netGoDaddy.com, LLC16 May 201716 May 201716 May 2018
243lonestarboat.orgTucows Domains Inc.19 Oct 201123 Oct 201419 Oct 2015
244lonestarsupport.netGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 200525 May 201524 May 2016
245lonestarf1.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Jun 201814 Jun 201814 Jun 2019
246lonestarx.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Aug 201523 Jun 202413 Aug 2024
247lonestargunschool.netGoDaddy.com, LLC26 May 201427 May 201526 May 2016
248lonestar-logistics.comKey-Systems GmbH4 May 20237 Apr 20244 May 2025
249lonestarstockexchange.comGoogle, Inc.1 Aug 202223 Apr 20241 Aug 2024
250lonestarfirearmcoating.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 May 201429 May 201529 May 2016
251lonestarcrewchange.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jul 201323 Apr 201511 Jul 2015
252lonestarstrength.comTucows Domains Inc.16 Jun 202015 Jun 202416 Jun 2025
253lonestarorganic.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com23 Feb 202324 Feb 202423 Feb 2025
254lonestarorganic.netGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 200930 May 201530 May 2016
255lonestarfair.comGoogle, Inc.28 Mar 201928 Mar 202428 Mar 2025
256lonestarmonthly.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Nov 20232 Nov 20232 Nov 2024
257lonestarfac.comNameCheap, Inc.25 Jul 202325 Jul 202325 Jul 2025
258lonestarvapeco.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Jun 201920 Jun 201920 Jun 2020
259lonestargrad.comAmazon Registrar, Inc.12 Jul 202125 Aug 202312 Jul 2023
260lonestarcanaryclub.orgGMO Internet Inc.8 Dec 20169 Dec 20178 Dec 2018
261lonestarvet.comUniregistrar Corp27 Oct 201414 Sep 202327 Oct 2024
262lonestarsecurityllc.comGoogle, Inc.14 Oct 202015 Oct 202314 Oct 2024
263lonestarmineralasset.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 201426 Oct 201426 Oct 2015
264lonestarkids.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com26 Oct 201420 Oct 202026 Oct 2025
265lonestarrealestateinvestments.comeNom, Inc.14 Sep 201713 Sep 201714 Sep 2018
266lonestarveterinary.comeNom, Inc.9 Aug 201530 Aug 20239 Aug 2024
267lonestarhealthsolutions.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jan 20192 Jan 20192 Jan 2020
268lonestarlodge2.orgWild West Domains, LLC22 May 20143 Jun 201522 May 2016
269lonestarlegendsgolf.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201123 May 201523 May 2016
270lonestarstategamerz.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201423 May 201523 May 2016
271lonestarliquidator.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201424 May 201523 May 2016
272lonestarvc.netWild West Domains, LLC4 Jun 20145 Jun 20154 Jun 2016
273lonestaralleyfarm.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20136 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
274lonestaraws.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20146 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
275lonestarinsurancegroup.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 201312 Jun 20245 Jun 2027
276lonestarestates.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jul 201819 Jul 201819 Jul 2019
277lonestaraccage.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20136 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
278lonestaraws.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 201417 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
279lonestarwafflesauce.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20136 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
280lonestarautolease.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20096 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
281lonestaroutauctions.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
282lonestarmedicalsales.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
283lonestarlivin.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jul 20224 Jul 20233 Jul 2024
284lonestarcrowds.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Oct 201427 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
285lonestarcrowdfunding.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Oct 201427 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
286lonestaralloy.comDomain.com, LLC27 Oct 201410 Sep 201927 Oct 2024
287lonestaraquatics.orgTucows Domains Inc.26 Jul 201130 Jul 201726 Jul 2018
288lonestarexploration.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Mar 20133 Mar 20242 Mar 2025
289lonestarind.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jan 199815 Dec 20234 Jan 2025
290lonestarcheeseburger.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Jul 201930 Jul 202329 Jul 2024
291lonestarenterprise.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jan 202416 Jan 20246 Jan 2026
292lonestarcustom.comDropCatch.com 574 LLC6 Oct 20216 Oct 20216 Oct 2024
293lonestargifts.comeNom, Inc.28 Aug 199623 Aug 202327 Aug 2024
294lonestarservice.com-24 May 202324 Jun 202424 May 2024
295lonestarautoinsurance.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Jan 202129 Jan 202428 Jan 2025
296lonestarbuilder.comEpik Inc.3 Oct 20212 Nov 20233 Oct 2024
297lonestarmotel.comSquarespace Domains LLC5 May 202220 Apr 20245 May 2025
298lonestarvacation.comDynadot, LLC24 Dec 202011 May 202324 Dec 2024
299lonestarlounge.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Jun 202023 Jun 202418 Jun 2025
300lonestarprint.comeNom, Inc.7 Jun 20115 Jun 20247 Jun 2025
301lonestarschool.comeNom, Inc.28 Jun 200926 Jun 202428 Jun 2025
302lonestart.comeNom, Inc.9 Apr 200910 Apr 20249 Apr 2025
303lonestarcorals.comUniregistrar Corp22 Nov 20202 Feb 202422 Nov 2023
304lonestarnurse.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 200710 Sep 20239 Sep 2024
305lonestar995.comJiangsu Bangning Science and technology Co. Ltd.16 Oct 201816 Oct 201816 Oct 2019
306lonestarscrapbookingdesign.comFastDomain Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
307lonestarmobileservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 20148 May 202428 Oct 2024
308lonestarjukebox.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd5 Sep 202319 Sep 20235 Sep 2024
309lonestarcuts.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com15 Jan 20169 Jan 202115 Jan 2025
310lonestardrifting.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Aug 201331 Aug 201430 Aug 2015
311lonestarproduce.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 20201 Oct 202317 Aug 2024
312lonestarpc.comTucows Domains Inc.1 Apr 20241 Apr 20241 Apr 2025
313lonestarscene.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Apr 201126 Apr 201530 Apr 2016
314lonestarcancer.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com7 Oct 20191 Oct 20207 Oct 2024
315lonestarlocating.comNameCheap, Inc.1 Sep 20092 Aug 20231 Sep 2024
316lonestareliquids.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 201329 Jan 20154 Sep 2015
317lonestarexpress.comeNom, Inc.12 Jun 200913 Jun 202412 Jun 2025
318lonestarlegend.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd25 Mar 202328 Jan 202425 Mar 2025
319lonestarlimosa.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Dec 201124 May 201521 Dec 2015
320lonestarskinart.comWild West Domains, LLC12 Jan 201129 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
321lonestarcuts.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201429 Oct 201828 Oct 2020
322lonestartube.comGoogle, Inc.8 Feb 202218 Apr 20248 Feb 2025
323lonestarmotorcycleexcursions.comWild West Domains, LLC24 Apr 201225 Apr 201524 Apr 2018
324lonestarplumber.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 202327 May 202414 Aug 2024
325lonestarbaby.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd25 Aug 20024 Jan 202425 Aug 2024
326lonestarinternetmarketing.comFastDomain Inc.21 Feb 201121 Feb 201721 Feb 2018
327lonestarquilting.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com30 Oct 201524 Oct 202030 Oct 2023
328lonestarlookingglass.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201430 Oct 202229 Oct 2024
329lonestarlongnecks.comIntersolved-FL.com, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
330lonestarhuntingforum.com1API GmbH30 Oct 201424 Apr 201730 Oct 2018
331lonestarcandidate.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2016
332lonestarstatewebdesign.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Apr 20068 Feb 20155 Apr 2017
333lonestarlimos.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jan 20065 Jan 20243 Jan 2025
334lonestarpizza.comDynadot, LLC19 Jun 200230 Dec 202319 Jun 2025
335lonestarenergyonline.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Apr 201215 Apr 20156 Apr 2016
336lonestardrywall.comDynadot, LLC10 Dec 202310 Feb 202410 Dec 2025
337lonestarcuts.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201429 Oct 201628 Oct 2018
338lonestarcuts.netGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2016
339lonestarpestkillers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2015
340lonestarcrafts.comNameCheap, Inc.21 Jun 20237 Jun 202421 Jun 2025
341lonestarmmj.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 May 202029 May 202328 May 2026
342lonestarchrome.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201718 Aug 202317 Aug 2024
343lonestarmovers.netGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Apr 20193 Apr 20242 Apr 2025
344lonestaryachts.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jan 200227 Dec 202311 Jan 2025
345lonestarfamilyfarms.comregister.com, Inc.29 Jul 200829 Jun 202229 Jul 2025
346lonestarphysicians.comMarkMonitor Inc.24 Jan 201123 Dec 202324 Jan 2026
347lonestarsilica.com1&1 Internet AG31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2015
348lonestarflooringtx.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 20141 Nov 202331 Oct 2024
349lonestarcreditrestoration.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Nov 20214 Feb 202423 Nov 2023
351lonestareventcenter.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Jan 20101 Jan 202421 Jan 2025
352lonestarhotyoga.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201320 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
353lonestarcfa.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC11 May 201216 Jul 202311 May 2025
354lonestarsupplements.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Mar 200823 Mar 202422 Mar 2026
355lonestarpawn.netGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jun 202413 Jun 202413 Jun 2027
356lonestarcamaro.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Dec 20225 Mar 202423 Dec 2023
357lonestarcandy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Apr 200520 Apr 202420 Apr 2025
358lonestarcarpetcare.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Jan 201226 Jan 202425 Jan 2025
359lonestarlingerieshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 May 200720 May 201519 May 2016
360lonestargiftbaskets.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 200214 Nov 20233 Oct 2024
361lonestartruck.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Mar 202324 Mar 202412 Mar 2025
362lonestarbuilds.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Sep 201918 Jun 202426 Sep 2025
363lonestar-chevrolet.comMarkMonitor Inc.10 Dec 20078 Nov 202310 Dec 2024
364lonestar-mhp.comeNom, Inc.11 Sep 201411 Sep 201411 Sep 2015
365lonestarsound.usGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jul 200310 Jul 20234 Jul 2024
366lonestarcell.comNetwork Solutions, LLC12 Dec 200211 Mar 202412 Dec 2024
367lonestarpurplemartin.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com10 Apr 199821 Jun 20249 Apr 2024
368lonestarautographs.comNetwork Solutions, LLC1 Mar 20005 Mar 20242 Mar 2029
369lonestarflyers.com-26 Feb 202420 Jun 202426 Feb 2025
370lonestarvolleyball.netTucows Domains Inc.26 Jun 200811 Jun 202426 Jun 2025
371lonestarhorseshows.netNETIM SARL24 Dec 200727 Dec 202324 Dec 2024
372lonestartradingpost.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 May 202122 May 202421 May 2025
373lonestarvacuum.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Nov 200824 Oct 202323 Oct 2024
374lonestarbullion.comTucows Domains Inc.7 May 20116 May 20247 May 2025
375lonestarstore.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Jul 20041 Aug 202331 Jul 2024
376lonestarpyrsandpawsrescue.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Dec 20075 Dec 202316 Dec 2024
377lonestartitleloan.comDROPCATCH.COM 783 LLC4 Jul 20195 Jul 20214 Jul 2024
378lonestargenealogy.comeNom, Inc.13 Sep 19999 Feb 202413 Sep 2027
379lonestartitleloans.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com12 Mar 200729 Feb 202412 Mar 2025
380lonestarcoins.comNameCheap, Inc.19 Jan 199829 May 202218 Jan 2026
381lonestaramusements.infoPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com2 Apr 201223 Aug 20142 Apr 2016
382lonestarautoauction.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com13 Dec 200528 Feb 202413 Dec 2024
383lonestarcheverolet.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 202323 May 202323 May 2024
385lonestarlegalaid.orgPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com1 Jun 20064 Jun 20241 Jun 2025
386lonestarmedspa.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Jul 20224 Sep 20227 Jul 2024
387lonestarstructures.comUniregistrar Corp12 Nov 200113 Nov 202312 Nov 2024
388lonestarfurniture.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com14 May 200421 Jun 202414 May 2025
389lonestarspca.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com25 May 201926 Jun 202425 May 2024
390lonestarmusclecars.usWild West Domains, LLC20 Apr 201125 Apr 202419 Apr 2026
391lonestarpackards.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 May 200631 May 20243 May 2029
392lonestarresturant.comeNom, Inc.9 May 20229 May 20229 May 2023
393lonestarnow.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 200718 Jun 20247 Nov 2025
394lonestarloghome.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com1 Oct 199919 Sep 20141 Oct 2015
395lonestarwings.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Feb 200019 Feb 202418 Feb 2025
396lonestarrecplaygrounds.comDynadot, LLC25 Feb 202428 May 202425 Feb 2025
397lonestarglam.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201615 Dec 202214 Dec 2024
398lonestarspeedzone.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 200822 Jan 202422 Jan 2026
399lonestarlubeandinspection.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 20152 May 201810 Jun 2019
400lonestarlubeandinspection.netGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 201510 Jun 201510 Jun 2017
401lonestarlubeandinspection.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 201515 Apr 201710 Jun 2018
402lonestarrally.comregister.com, Inc.7 Jun 200125 Nov 20227 Jun 2030
403lonestarstone.comNetwork Solutions, LLC27 Jul 199711 Feb 202226 Jul 2027
404lonestarurology.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Feb 20223 Oct 202214 Feb 2027
405lonestarhempshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Jul 201927 Jul 201927 Jul 2020
406lonestarmarijuana.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Feb 201411 Mar 202412 Feb 2025
407lonestargunsafes.comregister.com, Inc.15 Nov 200015 Nov 202315 Nov 2024
408lonestarshihtzurescue.comTucows Domains Inc.3 Feb 20065 Jan 20243 Feb 2025
409lonestarroundup.comWild West Domains, LLC4 Nov 20025 Nov 20234 Nov 2024
410lonestarbannersandflags.comNetwork Solutions, LLC19 Jun 200820 Apr 202419 Jun 2027
411lonestarretreats.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 202224 Aug 202323 Aug 2024
412lonestardodge.comDomain.com, LLC28 Feb 200013 Feb 201728 Feb 2018
413lonestarz2.orgTucows Domains Inc.27 Oct 200631 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
414lonestararchery.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Mar 20225 Mar 20244 Mar 2025
415lonestardumpsters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Apr 20144 Apr 20244 Apr 2025
416lonestaroptics.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com23 Nov 201817 Nov 202023 Nov 2024
417lonestarstate.infoeasyDNS Technologies, Inc.3 Aug 202124 Jul 20233 Aug 2024
418lonestarstate.tvDynadot, LLC12 Sep 201323 Dec 201412 Sep 2016
419lonestar936.comeNom, Inc.16 Nov 201715 Nov 201716 Nov 2018
420lonestarenterprises.bizeNom, Inc.12 Jun 200826 Jun 201511 Jun 2015
421lonestarconference.orgNetwork Solutions, LLC28 Apr 19994 Mar 202428 Apr 2025
422lonestararms.comTucows Domains Inc.4 Apr 20096 Mar 20244 Apr 2025
423lonestarcattlecompany.comregister.com, Inc.23 Mar 200022 Feb 202423 Mar 2025
424lonestarfab.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Mar 20065 Mar 202410 Mar 2026
425lonestarfarmbeef.comNameCheap, Inc.21 Nov 200822 Oct 202321 Nov 2024
426lonestarholsters.comNameCheap, Inc.12 Feb 20072 Dec 202312 Feb 2026
427lonestarlegal.orgDomain.com, LLC25 Apr 200210 Apr 202425 Apr 2025
428lonestarlistens.com35 Technology Co., Ltd.28 Aug 20232 Jun 202429 Aug 2024
429lonestarmattressoutlet.comWild West Domains, LLC24 Jan 201110 Sep 202224 Jan 2028
430lonestarproject.netTucows Domains Inc.12 Feb 200528 Jan 202412 Feb 2025
431lonestarsaferooms.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jun 20135 Apr 20244 Apr 2025
432lonestartoyotaoflewisville.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Mar 201513 Mar 202412 Mar 2025
433lonestarsextoys.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Nov 20142 Nov 20142 Nov 2015
434lonestarmuffler.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 201427 Jun 20243 Nov 2024
435lonestarcarcollection.comTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.30 Oct 20134 Dec 201730 Oct 2018
436lonestarprincess.comInternet Domain Services BS Corp19 Jan 201619 Jan 201619 Jan 2017
437lonestarresidential.comNameCheap, Inc.4 Dec 202320 Dec 20234 Dec 2024
438lonestar-travel.comNetwork Solutions, LLC16 Aug 20087 May 202416 Aug 2027
439lonestarbikers.comNetwork Solutions, LLC16 Jan 201317 Nov 202216 Jan 2026
440lonestarmitsubishi.comEUTurbo.com LLC29 Apr 202213 Jul 202329 Apr 2023
441lonestarjam.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Nov 20076 Nov 202319 Nov 2024
442lonestarbeer.comCSC Corporate Domains, Inc.18 Apr 200114 Apr 202418 Apr 2026
443lonestarngl.comWild West Domains, LLC10 Jun 201111 Jun 201510 Jun 2016
444lonestargcd.orgregister.com, Inc.1 Oct 20026 Sep 20231 Oct 2024
445lonestaralaskanmalamutes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Sep 200531 Aug 202327 Sep 2024
446lonestarroadstv.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Aug 201531 Aug 201531 Aug 2016
447lonestarcremation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jul 200413 Mar 20239 Jul 2024
448lonestarmotorsports.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jan 20026 Jan 20245 Jan 2025
449lonestarfoundationrepair.comTLDs LLC dba SRSplus9 Sep 201510 Sep 20239 Sep 2024
450lonestarboars.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Jun 201314 Sep 20223 Jul 2027
451lonestarcircuit.comNetwork Solutions, LLC24 Feb 200626 Dec 202124 Feb 2025
452lonestarmodels.comFastDomain Inc.7 Jan 199722 Dec 20236 Jan 2025
453lonestarorthopedicsupply.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jun 201312 Jun 201511 Jun 2016
454lonestarmag.comAutomattic Inc.16 Feb 202330 Mar 202416 Feb 2024
455lonestarstateclassic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Feb 200722 Feb 202421 Feb 2025
456lonestarhatters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 200224 Mar 202422 Aug 2024
457lonestarcab.comSQUIDSAILERDOMAINS.COM, LLC12 Oct 20221 Feb 202412 Oct 2024
458lonestarboxerrescue.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com9 Mar 20012 Jan 20249 Mar 2025
459lonestarsurgicalgroup.comFastDomain Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20173 Nov 2018
460lonestarprospecting.comFabulous.com Pty Ltd.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
461lonestarpackaging.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20144 Nov 20223 Nov 2024
462lonestarleaders.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201824 May 202423 May 2025
463lonestarcallstx.comNetwork Solutions, LLC3 Nov 20149 Jun 20243 Nov 2024
464lonestarcaliper.comregister.com, Inc.13 Mar 200010 Feb 202213 Mar 2025
465lonestargunshows.comDomain.com, LLC30 Jun 20106 Jun 202430 Jun 2025
466lonestarclassicmotors.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Mar 201230 Apr 202419 Mar 2025
467lonestarharley.comeNom, Inc.19 May 199912 Jul 202119 May 2026
468lonestaraudiofest.comTucows Domains Inc.9 Jun 200625 May 20249 Jun 2025
469lonestartrail.orgNameCheap, Inc.20 Dec 201110 Dec 202320 Dec 2024
470lonestarrestaurantsupply.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Jan 200726 Jan 202431 Jan 2025
471lonestarcafe.usGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Apr 200210 May 202325 Apr 2025
472lonestarmules.comregister.com, Inc.16 Jul 200315 Jun 202416 Jul 2025
473lonestarrestaurants.netTLDs LLC dba SRSplus9 Sep 200910 Sep 20239 Sep 2024
474lonestarbullets.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Mar 201927 Mar 201927 Mar 2020
475lonestarparkmedia.comNetwork Solutions, LLC6 Jun 20027 Apr 20206 Jun 2025
476lonestarrockyclub.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd26 Mar 202213 Mar 202426 Mar 2025
477lonestarcafe.comRebel.com Corp.31 Oct 199614 Sep 202330 Oct 2024
478lonestarwoodturners.com-24 Aug 202313 Oct 202324 Aug 2024
479lonestargolfclub.netGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jun 20086 Apr 202331 Mar 2025
480lonestarpapillons.comNetwork Solutions, LLC28 Mar 20149 Jun 202428 Mar 2025
481lonestar811.comNetwork Solutions, LLC23 Feb 201225 Dec 202323 Feb 2027
482lonestargolfsupply.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 May 201222 May 202422 May 2025
483lonestarfordonline.comBrandsight, Inc.11 Apr 20069 May 202411 Apr 2025
484lonestardeadradio.comDeluxe Small Business Sales, Inc. d/b/a Aplus.net28 Oct 200528 Oct 202328 Oct 2024
485lonestardistrict.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jun 200812 May 20244 Jun 2025
486lonestartattoo.comTucows Domains Inc.20 Jul 200527 Jun 202320 Jul 2025
487lonestarmerchant.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20147 Nov 20164 Nov 2017
488lonestarfootball.netGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Mar 200811 Mar 202410 Mar 2025
489lonestarfordparts.comAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…7 Aug 20157 Aug 20157 Aug 2016
490lonestardobermans.orgregister.com, Inc.18 Oct 201223 May 202318 Oct 2026
491lonestarpse.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jul 200821 Jul 202324 Jul 2024
492lonestarsound.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jan 20016 Jan 20245 Jan 2025
493lonestar529.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 200715 May 202422 Aug 2024
494lonestarcarpets.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 200010 Feb 20249 Feb 2025
495lonestardrills.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Mar 20114 Mar 20243 Mar 2025
496lonestartransfer.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Dec 201215 Oct 202222 Dec 2024
497lonestargunrange.netNameCheap, Inc.26 Oct 20207 Jan 202426 Oct 2023
498lonestargunshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Mar 202431 Mar 202431 Mar 2025
499lonestarshelters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Apr 201314 Sep 20221 Apr 2025
500lonestar-llc.comNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Jun 20088 May 20232 Jun 2026
501lonestarplastics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Mar 20045 Oct 20234 Oct 2024
502lonestarpublicsafety.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Mar 200631 Mar 202330 Mar 2025
503lonestartradingcompany.comNetwork Solutions, LLC3 Sep 19981 Sep 20232 Sep 2024
504lonestarvote.comeNom, Inc.23 Oct 20165 Dec 201723 Oct 2017
505lonestarmusicmag.comKey-Systems GmbH1 Nov 201424 Apr 20161 Nov 2017
506lonestarlightningsystems.comregister.com, Inc.4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
507lonestarappleplus.comLaunchpad, Inc.4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
508lonestarapple.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jul 201928 Oct 202215 Jul 2025
509lonestarjetovator.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201413 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
510lonestartractor.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com19 Apr 20161 May 202019 Apr 2024
511lonestarfarmstead.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
512lonestarhomeinsurance.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Dec 201419 Dec 201619 Dec 2018
513lonestarsolution.comGoogle, Inc.8 Feb 202018 Apr 20248 Feb 2025
514lonestarworld.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com29 Dec 201830 Dec 202329 Dec 2024
515lonestartractorservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201213 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
516lonestarprimarycare.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Aug 20227 Aug 20238 Aug 2024
517lonestarprimarycareandaesthetics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jun 200714 Jun 201513 Jun 2016
518lonestarcustomfurniture.netGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Jun 201114 Jun 201514 Jun 2016
519lonestarpca.comeNom, Inc.16 Jan 201716 Jan 201816 Jan 2018
520lonestargranfondo.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Jun 201014 Jun 201514 Jun 2016
521lonestarandaesthetics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jun 200714 Jun 201513 Jun 2016
522lonestaroptometry.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jun 201316 Jun 201515 Jun 2016
523lonestarmax.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Apr 201730 Apr 201730 Apr 2018
524lonestarappware.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jan 201317 Jun 201516 Jun 2016
525lonestarnationalbank.coNameKing.com Inc.20 Dec 202125 Dec 202220 Dec 2022
526lonestardualsport.comeNom, Inc.18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2016
527lonestarplace.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Feb 202414 Feb 202414 Feb 2025
528lonestarredangus.comregister.com, Inc.18 Aug 201417 Mar 201718 Aug 2018
529lonestarsporting.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
530lonestartradecorp.comregister.com, Inc.5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
531lonestarryco.comregister.com, Inc.5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
532lonestarirrigationtx.comWild West Domains, LLC5 Nov 201411 Oct 20165 Nov 2017
533lonestarirrigationtexas.comWild West Domains, LLC5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
534lonestarpassionparty.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201117 Jun 201517 Jun 2016
535lonestarapp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Sep 201529 Dec 20235 Sep 2025
536lonestarthink.comDROPCATCH.COM 749 LLC16 May 202316 Jun 202416 May 2024
537lonestartransit.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jul 202015 Nov 202226 Jul 2024
538lonestarsuites.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Jun 201322 May 202418 Jun 2025
539lonestarregisteredagents.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jun 201419 Jun 201519 Jun 2016
540lonestarregisteredagent.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jun 201419 Jun 201519 Jun 2016
542lonestarregisteredagent.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jun 201420 Jun 201519 Jun 2016
543lonestarregisteredagents.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jun 201420 Jun 201519 Jun 2016
544lonestarradio.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Apr 200223 Jun 202427 Apr 2025
545lonestareconomy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Mar 201728 Mar 201728 Mar 2018
546lonestargeologist.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Mar 201028 Mar 201129 Mar 2016
547lonestargeologists.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Mar 201028 Mar 201129 Mar 2016
548lonestarmudlogging.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jan 201711 Jan 202310 Jan 2025
549lonestar955.comNameCheap, Inc.19 Aug 201419 Jul 202319 Aug 2024
550lonestarbond.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com6 Nov 201923 Aug 20226 Nov 2024
551lonestarbond.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201421 Aug 201619 Aug 2017
552lonestarbond.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
553lonestarbond2014.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201421 Aug 201619 Aug 2017
554lonestarcollections.comSafeNames Ltd.20 Aug 20141 Sep 202320 Aug 2025
555lonestarcollegebond.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com19 Aug 201427 Jul 202019 Aug 2024
556lonestarcollegebond.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201421 Aug 201619 Aug 2017
557lonestarcollegebond.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
558lonestarcollegebond2014.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201421 Aug 201619 Aug 2017
559lonestardetailshop.comeNom, Inc.19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
560lonestarequipmentco.comNetwork Solutions, LLC19 Aug 201425 Jan 201819 Aug 2017
561lonestargolfandleisure.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201619 Aug 2017
562lonestarmerchant.usGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 201411 Nov 20173 Nov 2018
563lonestarmerchant.netGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20149 Nov 20164 Nov 2017
564lonestar-lawncare.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Mar 202423 Mar 202423 Mar 2025
565lonestarbrew.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jun 20159 Jul 202324 Jun 2024
566lonestarfootballorganization.comregister.com, Inc.24 Jun 201524 Jun 201524 Jun 2016
567lonestarmedical.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com24 Jun 201518 Jun 202024 Jun 2024
568lonestarprintingco.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Jan 201727 Jan 201727 Jan 2018
569lonestarscorecard.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jun 201518 Sep 202224 Jun 2025
570lonestarbond.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
571lonestarbond2014.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
572lonestarbond2014.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
573lonestarcollegebond.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
574lonestarcollegebond2014.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
575lonestarcollegebond2014.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201420 Aug 201719 Aug 2018
576lonestarcollegeelection.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
577lonestarcollegeelection.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
578lonestarcollegeelection.netGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
579lonestarcollegeelection.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
580lonestarcollegeelection2014.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
581lonestarcollegeelection2014.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
582lonestarcollegeelection2014.netGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
583lonestarcollegeelection2014.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
584lonestarelection.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com20 Aug 201430 Jul 202020 Aug 2024
585lonestarelection.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
586lonestarelection.netGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
587lonestarelection.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
588lonestarelection2014.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com20 Aug 201430 Jul 202020 Aug 2024
589lonestarelection2014.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
590lonestarelection2014.netGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201620 Aug 2017
591lonestarelection2014.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201421 Aug 201720 Aug 2018
592lonestarexpress2013.comGMO Internet Inc.21 Aug 201422 Jul 201620 Aug 2017
593lonestarlanding.netGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
594lonestarluggers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Feb 20165 Feb 20165 Feb 2017
595lonestarsandbar.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201428 Jun 201521 Aug 2021
596lonestartrading.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 201416 Sep 202320 Aug 2024
597lonestarautodepot.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jan 201512 Jan 201512 Jan 2017
598lonestarsch.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jan 201513 Jan 201513 Jan 2017
599lonestartailgating.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jan 201513 Jan 201513 Jan 2016
600lonestartradeshows.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20167 Nov 2018
601lonestarrd.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20147 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
602lonestarparks.comSquarespace Domains LLC18 Dec 20213 Dec 202318 Dec 2024
603lonestarmetaldetecting.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2015
604lonestarlandforsale.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20147 Nov 20167 Nov 2018
605lonestarkiteboarding.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20167 Nov 2018
606lonestark.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Sep 202323 Jan 202428 Sep 2033
607lonestarincubators.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20167 Nov 2018
608lonestargloves.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2015
609lonestarflying.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20147 Nov 20147 Nov 2016
610lonestarfireprotection.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2015
611lonestardaily.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Feb 201722 Feb 202321 Feb 2025
612lonestarbootstrappers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20147 Nov 20147 Nov 2016
613lonestarboating.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20147 Nov 20147 Nov 2016
614lonestarblogs.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20167 Nov 2018
615lonestarbanking.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com29 Jun 202230 Aug 202229 Jun 2024
616lonestarballoons.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Oct 202011 Oct 202310 Oct 2024
617lonestarbasketballassociation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201416 Sep 202221 Aug 2024
618lonestarbmwmotorcycles.comCloudFlare, Inc.21 Aug 20149 Jan 202321 Aug 2024
619lonestarcycles.comCloudFlare, Inc.21 Aug 20149 Jan 202321 Aug 2024
620lonestardata.usGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201422 Jan 201520 Aug 2019
621lonestarlegacyclub.com1&1 Internet AG21 Aug 201422 Aug 201621 Aug 2017
622lonestarnuptials.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201422 Aug 202321 Aug 2025
623lonestarprojects.usGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201422 Jan 201520 Aug 2019
624lonestarquiltingservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201421 Aug 201421 Aug 2015
625lonestarquilts.comSquarespace Domains LLC1 Oct 202122 Jan 20221 Oct 2024
626lonestartriumphmotorcycles.comCloudFlare, Inc.21 Aug 20149 Jan 202321 Aug 2024
627lonestarloaded.comGoogle, Inc.26 Jul 202212 Apr 202426 Jul 2024
628lonestaraccessibilityservices.comGKG.NET, INC.28 Feb 201530 Jan 201728 Feb 2019
629lonestararchitecturalservices.comGKG.NET, INC.28 Feb 201530 Jan 201728 Feb 2019
630lonestararchitectureservices.comGKG.NET, INC.28 Feb 201530 Jan 201728 Feb 2019
631lonestarlbj.comName.com, Inc.1 Mar 201527 Feb 20231 Mar 2028
632lonestaramerican.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 201422 Aug 201422 Aug 2016
633lonestarfoodgroup.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 201422 Aug 201422 Aug 2016
634lonestarsolarllc.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Jan 201923 Jan 201923 Jan 2020
635lonestarsolarllc.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 201422 Aug 201422 Aug 2015
636lonestarsolarllc.netGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 201422 Aug 201422 Aug 2015
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638lonestarsolarllc.usGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Aug 201422 Aug 201421 Aug 2015
639lonestarsoup.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201423 Aug 201623 Aug 2018
640lonestarstew.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201423 Aug 201623 Aug 2018
641lonestartexasequipment.comTucows Domains Inc.22 Aug 201426 Aug 201522 Aug 2016
642lonestarsearchandrescue.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
643lonestarorthosa.comTucows Domains Inc.4 Nov 20138 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
644lonestardistrictlodge.com1&1 Internet AG7 Nov 201414 Mar 20187 Nov 2024
645lonestarpowerathletics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Apr 201514 Apr 201514 Apr 2016
646lonestarshares.netGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Apr 201514 Apr 201514 Apr 2016
647lonestarshares.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Apr 201514 Apr 201714 Apr 2018
648lonestarscorecard.netGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jun 201518 Sep 202224 Jun 2025
649lonestarautolighting.comTucows Domains Inc.20 Aug 201323 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
650lonestarcontent.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Feb 202311 Feb 202410 Feb 2025
651lonestargridleague.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201423 Aug 201423 Aug 2015
652lonestargridwarrior.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201423 Aug 201423 Aug 2015
653lonestargridwarriors.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Aug 201423 Aug 201423 Aug 2015
654lonestarcutting.bizGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201417 Aug 202311 Aug 2024
655lonestar1067.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201412 Aug 201412 Aug 2015
656lonestarcop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201413 Aug 202312 Aug 2024
657lonestarcutting.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201413 Aug 202312 Aug 2024
658lonestarcutting.netGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201413 Aug 202312 Aug 2024
659lonestargasket.netDropCatch.com 360 LLC31 Oct 202331 Oct 202331 Oct 2024
660lonestarincometax.comNetwork Solutions, LLC10 Nov 201711 Oct 202310 Nov 2024
661lonestarll.comLaunchpad, Inc.23 Feb 20208 Feb 202423 Feb 2025
662lonestarstainedconcrete.netTucows Domains Inc.9 Aug 201213 Aug 20149 Aug 2015
663lonestarstatefranchises.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Aug 201413 Aug 201413 Aug 2016
664lonestarwetlands.comNetwork Solutions, LLC12 Aug 20149 Jun 202412 Aug 2024
665lonestar-services.netGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Feb 20244 Feb 20244 Feb 2026
666lonestarhorizonhomes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Aug 201429 Mar 20241 Apr 2025
667lonestarproppantsllc.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Nov 20148 Nov 20148 Nov 2016
668lonestarproppants.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 20183 Oct 20183 Oct 2019
669lonestardispute.comNetwork Solutions, LLC9 Nov 201410 Feb 20188 Nov 2019
670lonestardaddy.comregister.com, Inc.8 Nov 20148 Nov 20148 Nov 2015
671lonestardad.com1&1 Internet AG26 Apr 202426 Apr 202426 Apr 2025
672lonestarsearchandrescue.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 201422 Dec 20237 Nov 2024
673lonestarsearchandrescue.netGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
674lonestarsar.netGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 20148 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
675lonestarbbq.usTucows Domains Inc.10 Aug 201313 Aug 20159 Aug 2015
676lonestarcutting.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201426 Sep 202312 Aug 2024
677lonestarcutting.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201426 Sep 202312 Aug 2024
678lonestarflowbackservice.comTucows Domains Inc.10 Aug 201114 Aug 201410 Aug 2015
679lonestarlifestyles.netGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Aug 201414 Aug 201613 Aug 2018
680lonestarpacesetters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Aug 201413 Aug 201413 Aug 2015
681lonestarracingcircuit.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 201414 Aug 201614 Aug 2017
682lonestarrto.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Aug 201414 Aug 201613 Aug 2018
683lonestar-services.us-25 Aug 201425 Aug 201424 Aug 2016
684lonestarbrahmans.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 201416 Sep 202226 Aug 2024
685lonestarcommunityplan.orgGMO Internet Inc.25 Aug 201426 Aug 201625 Aug 2017
686lonestarconcreteinc.comeNom, Inc.26 Aug 201426 Aug 201426 Aug 2015
687lonestardandd.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Aug 201423 Aug 202325 Aug 2024
688lonestarlawns.netTucows Domains Inc.21 Mar 201725 Mar 202021 Mar 2020
689lonestarlbk.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jan 202326 Jan 202326 Jan 2024
690lonestarpayroll.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Aug 201416 Sep 202225 Aug 2024
691lonestarpayroll.netGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Aug 201416 Sep 202225 Aug 2024
692lonestarrenovation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Aug 202113 Aug 20232 Aug 2024
693lonestarskiers.orgPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com25 Aug 20147 Aug 202325 Aug 2024
694lonestarwashateria.comeNom, Inc.26 Aug 201426 Aug 201426 Aug 2015
695lonestartuition.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Nov 201412 Sep 20169 Nov 2017
696lonestarnameplate.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com31 Jan 201731 Jan 201731 Jan 2018
697lonestarbuild.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Oct 202325 Oct 202325 Oct 2026
698lonestar-showcase.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201924 Oct 201924 Oct 2021
699lonestarproppantsllc.netGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Nov 20148 Nov 20148 Nov 2016
700lonestarproppants.netGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Nov 20148 Nov 20148 Nov 2016
701lonestar-sports.netNetwork Solutions, LLC3 Nov 20173 Nov 20173 Nov 2018
702lonestar2own.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Aug 201415 Aug 201615 Aug 2018
703lonestareventmarketing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 201414 Aug 201414 Aug 2015
704lonestarkennelclub.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Dec 201829 Dec 201829 Dec 2020
705lonestarlandingpleasanton.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 201414 Aug 201414 Aug 2019
706lonestarvodkaonline.comTucows Domains Inc.11 Aug 201314 Aug 201411 Aug 2015
707lonestarautosale.comDropCatch.com 1337 LLC9 Jul 202311 Jul 20239 Jul 2024
708lonestarcontainers.comGoogle, Inc.28 Aug 20146 May 202428 Aug 2024
709lonestarfireconference.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Aug 201428 Aug 202327 Aug 2024
710lonestarhall.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jun 202119 Jun 202415 Jun 2025
711lonestarlapidary.comTucows Domains Inc.24 Aug 20043 Aug 202324 Aug 2024
712lonestarnaturalgas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Aug 201416 Sep 202227 Aug 2024
713lonestaroriginals.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20206 Jun 20245 Jun 2025
714lonestarranchhorse.comTucows Domains Inc.24 Aug 201028 Aug 201424 Aug 2015
715lonestarhotrodz.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Aug 201415 Aug 201415 Aug 2015
716lonestarsubaru.com1&1 Internet AG15 Aug 201414 Mar 201815 Aug 2024
717lonestarsubarus.com1&1 Internet AG15 Aug 201414 Mar 201815 Aug 2024
718lonestartshirt.comNameCheap, Inc.16 Aug 201417 Jul 202316 Aug 2024
719lonestarsap.comTucows Domains Inc.10 Nov 201414 Nov 201910 Nov 2019
720lonestarmenagerie.comGoogle, Inc.13 Dec 201513 Dec 201513 Dec 2016
721lonestarcrowdfund.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Nov 201411 Nov 202210 Nov 2024
722lonestarcollectibles.comNamePal.com #80161 Jul 20242 Jul 20241 Jul 2025
723lonestarbbq101.comDomain.com, LLC28 Aug 201428 Aug 201428 Aug 2015
724lonestarboatandrvstorage.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Aug 20141 Aug 201928 Aug 2024
725lonestarcoffeeco.comTucows Domains Inc.5 Mar 20245 Mar 20245 Mar 2025
726lonestardeerblinds.comGo France Domains, LLC21 Aug 201429 Aug 201421 Aug 2015
727lonestarkitchens.comDynadot, LLC29 Aug 201414 Aug 202329 Aug 2024
728lonestarmovers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Aug 20149 Oct 202328 Aug 2024
729lonestaroldies.comUniregistrar Corp28 Aug 201429 Aug 202328 Aug 2024
730lonestartrs.comDROPCATCH.COM 767 LLC15 Nov 202115 Nov 202115 Nov 2022
731lonestarweddings.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Feb 20196 Feb 20242 Feb 2025
732lonestarautomotivear.comTucows Domains Inc.12 Aug 201117 Aug 201412 Aug 2015
733lonestarcoral.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201617 Aug 2018
734lonestarfly.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Jan 202418 Jan 202418 Jan 2027
735lonestarfrag.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201617 Aug 2018
736lonestarfrags.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201617 Aug 2018
737lonestarlowlines.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201619 Jan 201619 Jan 2017
738lonestarreefs.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201617 Aug 2018
739lonestarsentry.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 May 20219 May 20249 May 2025
740lonestarmovingcompany.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Nov 201412 Nov 202311 Nov 2024
741lonestarfastpitch.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201922 Oct 202322 Oct 2024
742lonestar-athletics.orgGMO Internet Inc.12 Nov 201412 Nov 201412 Nov 2015
743lonestarbenefits.netWild West Domains, LLC11 Sep 201411 Sep 201411 Sep 2015
744lonestarbenefitsgroup.comWild West Domains, LLC11 Sep 201412 Sep 201611 Sep 2017
745lonestaritsupport.comGoogle, Inc.18 Mar 20208 May 202418 Mar 2025
746lonestartexasroadhouse.comRebel.com Corp.11 Sep 201412 Aug 202311 Sep 2024
747lonestartechgroup.comName.com, Inc.26 Nov 202326 Nov 202326 Nov 2025
748lonestarpoolcovers.comCloudFlare, Inc.14 Nov 20141 Jun 202414 Nov 2024
749lonestarnaionalbank.comTucows Domains Inc.10 Nov 201014 Nov 201410 Nov 2015
750lonestarledger.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Dec 201716 Dec 202315 Dec 2024
751lonestarlagniappe.comregister.com, Inc.13 Nov 201413 Nov 201413 Nov 2015
752lonestarequipment.bizregister.com, Inc.13 Nov 201413 Nov 201412 Nov 2015
753lonestardemocrat.comHongkong Domain Name Information Management Co., L…10 Nov 202113 Nov 202210 Nov 2022
754lonestar-tx-services.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Nov 201413 Nov 201413 Nov 2015
755lonestarcommunity.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Dec 201824 Dec 202223 Dec 2024
756lonestarfw.comNameCheap, Inc.11 Mar 202312 Mar 202411 Mar 2025
757lonestarluxuryliving.com1&1 Internet AG14 Mar 202314 Mar 202314 Mar 2025
758lonestarproperties.usGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201429 Aug 201428 Aug 2015
759lonestarroasters.comGoogle, Inc.23 Sep 201813 Dec 201823 Sep 2024
760lonestarslam.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201411 Sep 202331 Aug 2026
761lonestarslam.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201413 Oct 202329 Aug 2024
762lonestarslam.netGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201411 Sep 202331 Aug 2026
763lonestarslam.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201413 Oct 202329 Aug 2024
764lonestarsurg.comDomain.com, LLC29 Aug 201414 Aug 202329 Aug 2024
765lonestarwood.comDynadot, LLC11 Jan 20235 Jan 202411 Jan 2025
766lonestarclownproductions.comTucows Domains Inc.9 Sep 200813 Sep 20159 Sep 2016
767lonestarflower.com-3 Mar 20235 May 20243 Mar 2024
768lonestar-nissi.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Aug 201430 Aug 201430 Aug 2015
769lonestar995fm.comNameCheap, Inc.30 Aug 201431 Jul 202330 Aug 2024
770lonestarcleaningservices.netTucows Domains Inc.19 Jun 201519 Jun 201519 Jun 2017
771lonestarconcretetx.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Aug 201431 Aug 201631 Aug 2017
772lonestarresumes.comAmazon Registrar, Inc.26 Nov 202023 Oct 202326 Nov 2024
773lonestarwolf.comSquarespace Domains LLC8 Jun 20248 Jun 20248 Jun 2025
774lonestarhomeintel.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Sep 201413 Sep 201413 Sep 2015
775lonestarkolacheshouston.comNetwork Solutions, LLC26 Sep 202311 Nov 202326 Sep 2024
776lonestarvintagebicycles.comTucows Domains Inc.13 Sep 201417 Sep 201913 Sep 2019
777lonestarcardealer.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com31 Aug 201431 Aug 201431 Aug 2015
778lonestarconstructionandelectricalcontractors.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Aug 201431 Aug 201431 Aug 2016
779lonestarconstructionatl.comregister.com, Inc.31 Aug 201431 Aug 201431 Aug 2015
780lonestarunifroms.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com31 Aug 201431 Aug 201431 Aug 2015
781lonestarscs.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Nov 201417 Sep 202214 Nov 2024
782lonestarlightscapes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 May 202018 May 202417 May 2025
783lonestarlifestylehomes.com1&1 Internet AG14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2015
784lonestarglobalmarketing.comWild West Domains, LLC14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2015
785lonestardentallab.comGo Canada Domains, LLC14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2015
786lonestardeking.comNamesilo, LLC17 Nov 201918 Nov 201917 Nov 2020
787lonestarnoc.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
788lonestarattorneycpa.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Sep 201414 Sep 201414 Sep 2015
789lonestarcounsel.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Sep 201417 Sep 202214 Sep 2024
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791lonestarlicensing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Aug 201915 Aug 201915 Aug 2020
792lonestarnoc.netGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
793lonestarshutter.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Mar 202220 Feb 20243 Mar 2025
794lonestarstateofmindprepster.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Sep 20141 Sep 20141 Sep 2015
795lonestarstats.comGoogle, Inc.8 Apr 20181 Jun 20248 Apr 2025
796lonestartrophytexarkana.comTucows Domains Inc.29 Aug 20132 Sep 201429 Aug 2015
797lonestarlivingbouquet.comDNC Holdings, Inc.16 Sep 20142 Aug 202316 Sep 2024
798lonestarrockstar.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Sep 201416 Sep 201416 Sep 2015
799lonestarcreativesolutions.comSquarespace Domains LLC18 May 202418 May 202418 May 2025
800lonestar79.comDNC Holdings, Inc.2 Sep 20142 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
801lonestarassets.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Sep 201416 Sep 20223 Sep 2024
802lonestarpieceofmind.orgTucows Domains Inc.29 Aug 20072 Sep 201429 Aug 2015
803lonestarpropertyinvestments.comNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Sep 20142 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
804lonestarrobotics.comDomain.com, LLC10 Feb 202126 Jan 202410 Feb 2025
805lonestarwriters.netGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Sep 20142 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
806lonestardave.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2016
807lonestarclassictruckclub.orgNameCheap, Inc.25 Jun 202131 May 202425 Jun 2025
808lonestareventcenter.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 200623 Nov 201712 Oct 2018
809lonestarlifting.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201417 Sep 202215 Sep 2024
810lonestarnoc.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
811lonestarbuild.netGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Nov 201415 Nov 201415 Nov 2015
812lonestarboatworx.netregister.com, Inc.14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2015
813lonestarplc.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Sep 201417 Sep 202316 Sep 2024
814lonestarblower.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Sep 20144 Sep 20233 Sep 2024
815lonestarepstest.comTucows Domains Inc.16 Nov 201220 Nov 201716 Nov 2017
816lonestarfreezedry.comGMO Internet Inc.3 Sep 201429 Aug 20163 Sep 2017
817lonestarhf.comGoogle, Inc.19 May 202419 May 202419 May 2025
818lonestarjamicures.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Sep 20143 Sep 20143 Sep 2015
819lonestarlegalservices.net-3 Sep 20143 Sep 20143 Sep 2017
820lonestarpg.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Nov 202013 Nov 202213 Nov 2024
821lonestarplumbingtexas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Jul 202122 May 202421 Jul 2024
822lonestarpopculturecon.comeNom, Inc.3 Sep 20143 Sep 20143 Sep 2016
823lonestarsportsmandesign.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 201415 Sep 20234 Sep 2024
824lonestarponyclub.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 200519 Oct 20234 Sep 2025
825lonestarharvest.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Nov 202328 Nov 202328 Nov 2024
826lonestarerection.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Sep 201418 Sep 202318 Sep 2024
827lonestaroilfieldworkforce.comFastDomain Inc.17 Sep 201417 Sep 201717 Sep 2018
828lonestarbook.netregister.com, Inc.4 Sep 20144 Sep 20144 Sep 2015
829lonestardallasfitness.com1&1 Internet AG4 Sep 20144 Sep 20144 Sep 2015
830lonestarfiberglass.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 20179 Mar 20245 Mar 2025
831lonestarinstallations.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 202320 May 20249 Mar 2024
832lonestaroutdoorindustries.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 20144 Sep 20144 Sep 2019
833lonestarrenovations.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 May 201821 May 202420 May 2025
834lonestarslingshot.comeNom, Inc.4 Sep 201415 Aug 20234 Sep 2024
835lonestarmobileapp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 201416 Nov 201416 Nov 2015
836lonestarcannabisco.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 20143 Jun 20242 Jun 2025
837lonestarmedicaresupplements.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Dec 201919 Dec 202318 Dec 2024
838lonestarfinancing.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201923 Aug 202324 Oct 2023
839lonestarjavita.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20166 Sep 2017
840lonestarslides.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20166 Sep 2018
841lonestarsunglasses.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20166 Sep 2018
842lonestarwatersports.comNameCheap, Inc.6 Sep 20147 Aug 20236 Sep 2024
843lonestarits.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Aug 20214 Aug 20234 Aug 2025
844lonestarsconcierge.comDomain.com, LLC19 Sep 201419 Sep 201419 Sep 2015
845lonestartoolmd.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Nov 201417 Nov 201417 Nov 2015
846lonestarnavigation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Nov 201417 Nov 201417 Nov 2016
847lonestarlitigation.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Nov 20143 Dec 202317 Nov 2024
848lonestarjewellery.comBigRock Solutions Ltd.17 Nov 201418 Oct 201617 Nov 2017
849lonestarcoffeenews.comGoogle, Inc.18 Nov 201417 May 202418 Nov 2024
850lonestarcustomrods.comChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…25 Nov 201925 Nov 201925 Nov 2020
851lonestarequipmentrental.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20146 Sep 2015
852lonestarfantasy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20146 Sep 2015
853lonestarfantasyfootball.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20146 Sep 2015
854lonestarfantasysports.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Sep 20146 Sep 20146 Sep 2015
855lonestarprecision.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com12 Dec 201818 Nov 202012 Dec 2024
856lonestarpies.comTucows Domains Inc.20 Feb 202224 Feb 202320 Feb 2024
857lonestaragency.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 20148 Sep 20237 Sep 2024
858lonestargalaxy.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com20 May 201421 Jun 202420 May 2024
859lonestarbroadband.orgDynadot, LLC26 Dec 20225 Feb 202426 Dec 2023
860lonestarexpresswashateria.comeNom, Inc.8 Sep 20148 Sep 20238 Sep 2024
861lonestarmetalroofing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Nov 202221 Aug 202318 Nov 2024
862lonestarranger.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Sep 20148 Sep 20148 Sep 2015
863lonestarranger.netGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Sep 20148 Sep 20148 Sep 2015
864lonestarranger.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Sep 201423 Oct 20238 Sep 2024
865lonestarsailing.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com9 Sep 201415 Jan 20209 Sep 2024
866lonestarstatetack.comDomain.com, LLC8 Sep 20148 Sep 20148 Sep 2015
867lonestarswing.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com12 Nov 201126 Aug 202112 Nov 2024
868lonestarstriperseries.comeNom, Inc.19 Nov 201419 Nov 201419 Nov 2016
869lonestarsharpening.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com18 Nov 201431 Aug 202218 Nov 2023
870lonestargas.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com18 Nov 201415 Jan 202018 Nov 2024
871lonestardivingteam.comAnnulet LLC11 Oct 20122 Jan 201711 Oct 2017
872lonestarcashback.com-11 Sep 201611 Sep 201611 Sep 2017
873lonestarattysvc.comDomain.com, LLC2 Dec 20035 Oct 20232 Dec 2028
874lonestarbranding.comDynadot, LLC17 Jul 202217 Jun 202317 Jul 2024
875lonestartelehealth.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 May 202211 May 202410 May 2026
876lonestarstainless.comTucows Domains Inc.27 Sep 201012 Sep 202327 Sep 2024
877lonestar-construct.comNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Oct 20142 Oct 20142 Oct 2015
878lonestarflavor.comWix.com Ltd.16 Nov 202316 Nov 202316 Nov 2025
879lonestargroup.netFastDomain Inc.28 Jan 201813 Jan 202428 Jan 2025
880lonestarlucy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Oct 20142 Oct 20142 Oct 2016
881lonestardrillingfund.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2016
882lonestargiftsandgadgets.comregister.com, Inc.9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
883lonestarmediator.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Sep 201418 Oct 202310 Sep 2024
884lonestarmediators.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Sep 201418 Oct 202310 Sep 2024
885lonestarpropertymanagement.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Nov 20224 Feb 202328 Nov 2024
886lonestarscooters.comWild West Domains, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
887lonestarselfstoragedelrio.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 201424 Aug 20239 Sep 2024
888lonestarsentertainment.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 201410 Sep 20239 Sep 2024
889lonestartilerestoration.comAcens Technologies, S.L.U.9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
890lonestarscrapmetals.comTucows Domains Inc.2 Oct 20146 Oct 20182 Oct 2018
891lonestardrillingfund.netGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2016
892lonestardrillingfund.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2016
893lonestarharbor.comFabulous.com Pty Ltd.3 Oct 20143 Oct 20143 Oct 2015
894lonestarsocialanalytics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 20143 Oct 20143 Oct 2015
895lonestarsportsledger.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jan 201611 Jan 201611 Jan 2017
896lonestarbeauty.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com22 Dec 201616 Dec 202022 Dec 2024
897lonestarcaptive.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 20143 Oct 20143 Oct 2015
898lonestarretrievers.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Oct 20144 Oct 20224 Oct 2024
899lonestarconstructiongroup.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 202221 Aug 202316 Aug 2024
900lonestarmaterialtexas.comTucows Domains Inc.10 Sep 201414 Sep 201710 Sep 2017
901lonestartdf.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Sep 201410 Sep 201410 Sep 2016
902lonestarpropertyinvestment.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Nov 201417 Sep 202219 Nov 2024
903lonestarglobal.orgGMO Internet Inc.10 Sep 2014-10 Sep 2015
904lonestarhunt.comNameKing.com Inc.29 Aug 20051 Sep 202329 Aug 2024
905lonestarpm.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com1 Oct 201425 Sep 20201 Oct 2024
906lonestarscouting.comWix.com Ltd.7 May 20227 Apr 20247 May 2025
907lonestarwrestling.comCNOBIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED21 Jun 202321 Jun 202321 Jun 2024
908lonestarhomebuyershouston.comTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.20 Nov 201420 Nov 201420 Nov 2015
909lonestardentalplans.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Nov 201420 Nov 201619 Nov 2018
910lonestarsales.netGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Feb 20188 Feb 20247 Feb 2025
911lonestarautodetailandupholstery.com-5 Oct 20145 Oct 20145 Oct 2017
912lonestarfarmacy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Sep 202125 Sep 202316 Sep 2025
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1000lonestarz.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com18 Oct 201318 Apr 202318 Oct 2024

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