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Whois API / Whois History / Reverse Whois

Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1564 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
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1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [564 Million Domains] $10,000 Details

Keyword: NULL

Reverse Whois » KEYWORD [null ]  { 14,337 domain names }

NumDomain NameRegistrarCreatedUpdatedExpiry
1null.co.ua-17 May 201217 May 201217 May 2013
2null.pl-7 Dec 20026 Dec 20236 Dec 2024
3null.co.inGandi SAS30 Jan 20082 Jan 202430 Jan 2026
4null.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Jan 199518 Jan 202321 Jan 2026
5null.ru-3 Jul 2002-3 Jul 2025
6null.mePorkbun, LLC4 May 20126 Dec 20224 May 2027
7null.coUniregistrar Corp20 Jul 201031 Jul 202319 Jul 2024
8null.report101domain, Inc.14 Aug 201931 Oct 202314 Aug 2025
9null.blackfridayUniregistrar Corp23 Sep 201423 Sep 201423 Sep 2015
10null.christmasUniregistrar Corp30 Sep 20141 Oct 201430 Sep 2015
11null.winPorkbun, LLC1 Apr 201928 Jul 20211 Apr 2029
12null.renChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…18 Sep 201823 Mar 202318 Sep 2024
13null.rocksNameCheap, Inc.2 Aug 201916 Dec 20232 Aug 2024
14null.oooGoogle, Inc.25 Feb 202120 May 202425 Feb 2025
15null.onlMesh Digital Limited25 Jun 202029 Jun 202425 Jun 2025
16null.clickGMO Internet Inc.3 Dec 201422 Nov 20173 Dec 2018
17null.networkNetwork Solutions, LLC8 May 20174 Apr 20248 May 2025
18null.hostNameCheap, Inc.3 Mar 202414 Mar 20243 Mar 2025
19null.berlinGandi SAS6 Dec 20216 Dec 20236 Dec 2024
20null.ninjaKey-Systems, LLC21 Jan 20156 Mar 202421 Jan 2025
21null.pubGandi SAS23 Jan 201522 Jun 202423 Jan 2025
22null.helpTucows Domains Inc.10 Mar 202114 Mar 202310 Mar 2024
23null.dietUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 201531 Jan 201531 Jan 2016
24null.websiteNameCheap, Inc.2 Dec 20142 Dec 20142 Dec 2015
25null.energyRegtime Ltd.25 Apr 202125 Apr 202125 Apr 2022
26null.worldGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Apr 20206 Jun 202425 Apr 2024
27null.linkNameCheap, Inc.1 Jan 202223 Dec 20231 Jan 2025
28null.hostingUniregistrar Corp18 Mar 201518 Mar 201518 Mar 2016
29null.audioUniregistrar Corp18 Mar 201518 Mar 201518 Mar 2016
30null.sexyUniregistrar Corp18 Mar 201523 Feb 201718 Mar 2018
31null.propertyUniregistrar Corp18 Mar 201523 Feb 201718 Mar 2018
32null.photoUniregistrar Corp18 Mar 201523 Feb 201718 Mar 2018
33null.flowersUniregistrar Corp7 Apr 20157 Apr 20157 Apr 2016
34null.tipsNameCheap, Inc.15 Sep 201821 Aug 202315 Sep 2024
35null.bizGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 201519 Aug 202313 Aug 2024
36null.designNameCheap, Inc.27 Oct 20162 Oct 202327 Oct 2024
37null.softwareNameCheap, Inc.25 May 201530 Apr 202425 May 2025
38null.chatNameCheap, Inc.24 May 201529 Apr 202424 May 2025
39null.redAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…8 Oct 201915 Feb 20238 Oct 2025
40null.casaNameCheap, Inc.10 Jan 202016 Dec 202310 Jan 2025
41null.oneName.com, Inc.26 Jun 201510 Jul 202326 Jun 2024
42null.siteNameCheap, Inc.15 Jul 201518 Jul 201715 Jul 2018
43null.loveNameCheap, Inc.24 Aug 201723 Oct 202324 Aug 2024
44null.zone-8 Oct 202220 Dec 20238 Oct 2024
45null.emailNameCheap, Inc.25 Jul 201530 Jun 202425 Jul 2025
46null.mediaPorkbun, LLC24 Nov 20178 Jan 202424 Nov 2024
47null.educationeNom, Inc.17 Aug 201517 Aug 201517 Aug 2016
48null.moscow-6 May 20156 May 20156 May 2017
49null.pressNameCheap, Inc.21 Aug 201521 Aug 201521 Aug 2016
50null.engineering-23 Jun 202423 Jun 202423 Jun 2025
51null.wtfGandi SAS27 Aug 201529 Jul 202327 Aug 2024
52null.online1&1 Internet AG1 Sep 20151 Nov 20231 Sep 2024
53null.systemsNameKing.com Inc.16 Nov 202324 May 202416 Nov 2024
54null.technologyCloudFlare, Inc.17 Sep 201517 May 202417 Sep 2025
55null.barclaysCSC Corporate Domains, Inc.22 Sep 201526 Aug 202322 Sep 2024
56null.agencyNetwork Solutions, LLC29 Sep 201512 Jun 202429 Sep 2025
57null.computerNameCheap, Inc.30 Dec 201625 Dec 202330 Dec 2024
58null.engineerNameCheap, Inc.5 Sep 202011 Aug 20235 Sep 2024
59null.runNameCheap, Inc.10 Feb 201731 Oct 202310 Feb 2025
60null.fail1API GmbH4 Apr 202319 May 20244 Apr 2025
61null.galleryTucows Domains Inc.30 Jun 201721 Jun 202330 Jun 2024
62null.studioAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…16 Jan 201816 Dec 202316 Jan 2025
63null.bidNameCheap, Inc.4 Dec 201926 Oct 20234 Dec 2024
64null.life-22 Jun 202422 Jun 202422 Jun 2025
65null.xinAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…6 Feb 202329 Jan 20246 Feb 2025
66null.industriesGandi SAS12 Nov 201517 Oct 202312 Nov 2024
67null.dateALIBABA.COM SINGAPORE E-COMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED17 Feb 201723 Jul 202116 Feb 2027
68null.guruNameCheap, Inc.18 Feb 202024 Jan 202418 Feb 2025
69null.inkDNSPod, Inc.28 Dec 20219 Nov 202328 Dec 2024
70null.liveCloudFlare, Inc.19 Dec 201524 Nov 202319 Dec 2024
71null.tokyoGMO Internet Inc.1 Feb 202429 Mar 20241 Feb 2025
72null.netregister.com, Inc.13 May 199619 Apr 202314 May 2025
73null.blueOVH sas6 Oct 201723 Aug 20236 Oct 2024
74null.landGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Feb 201618 Mar 20242 Feb 2025
75null.cloudTucows Domains Inc.16 Feb 201622 Jan 202416 Feb 2025
76null.team-29 Jul 202327 Sep 202329 Jul 2024
77null.kimAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…16 Jun 20176 Jun 202016 Jun 2021
78null.hausNameCheap, Inc.17 Feb 202026 Sep 202317 Feb 2025
79null.sciencePorkbun, LLC17 Apr 20221 Jun 202417 Apr 2025
80null.racingTucows Domains Inc.3 Jun 20207 Jun 20243 Jun 2025
81null.cityNameKing.com Inc.7 Aug 20236 Oct 20237 Aug 2024
82null.companyGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Apr 201630 May 202415 Apr 2025
83null.solutionsGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Apr 201630 May 202415 Apr 2025
84null.cafePorkbun, LLC27 Aug 20189 Sep 202327 Aug 2024
85null.bioName.com, Inc.18 May 201623 Apr 202418 May 2025
86null.dogGandi SAS23 May 201622 Jan 202423 May 2025
87null.works-1 May 20246 May 20241 May 2025
88null.rent-26 May 201626 May 201626 May 2017
89null.ripNameCheap, Inc.20 Aug 201726 Jul 202320 Aug 2024
90null.gmbh1&1 Internet AG22 Jun 201622 Jun 202422 Jun 2025
91null.mbaWebnames.ca Inc.26 Jun 201626 Jun 201626 Jun 2017
92null.codesNameCheap, Inc.2 Nov 20228 Oct 20232 Nov 2024
93null.ltdChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…10 Nov 20235 Jan 202410 Nov 2024
94null.lolNameCheap, Inc.16 Dec 202229 Nov 202316 Dec 2024
95null.domainsNameCheap, Inc.12 Mar 201414 Mar 202412 Mar 2025
96null.directory1API GmbH27 Nov 201511 Jan 202427 Nov 2024
97null.wikiNameCheap, Inc.3 Jun 201424 May 20223 Jun 2027
98null.scotCorehub, S.R.L.10 Aug 201624 Sep 201710 Aug 2018
99null.marketTucows Domains Inc.30 Sep 201620 Sep 202330 Sep 2025
100null.coolGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Oct 20163 Jan 20244 Oct 2026
101null.infoCSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.c…21 Sep 200123 Sep 202321 Sep 2024
102null.mobiMarkMonitor Inc.26 Sep 200610 Nov 202326 Sep 2024
103null.consultingGandi SAS16 Apr 202018 Mar 202416 Apr 2025
104null.orgDomain.com, LLC9 May 19953 Sep 202310 May 2025
105null.usNameCheap, Inc.24 Apr 20022 May 202423 Apr 2025
106null.ruhrPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot24 Jun 20147 Feb 202224 Jun 2022
107null.coopDomains.coop Limited24 Feb 200525 Feb 202324 Feb 2024
108null.telKey-Systems GmbH2 Dec 201829 Feb 20242 Dec 2024
109null.kr-18 Jun 201217 Oct 201718 Jun 2018
110null.it-27 Dec 19991 Dec 202315 Nov 2024
112null.la-21 Oct 20146 Oct 202321 Oct 2024
113null.proPorkbun, LLC7 Aug 20204 Apr 20247 Aug 2024
114null.co.uk-23 Sep 19994 Jan 201823 Sep 2018
115null.visionCloudFlare, Inc.24 Jan 202429 Jan 202424 Jan 2025
116null.menKey-Systems, LLC8 Nov 201623 Sep 20208 Nov 2026
117null.cricketNameCheap, Inc.21 Nov 20166 Dec 202320 Nov 2023
118null.todayCloudFlare, Inc.10 Aug 202016 Jul 202310 Aug 2024
119null.pinkNameCheap, Inc.11 Jan 20174 Dec 202211 Jan 2027
120null.blackNameCheap, Inc.12 Mar 201716 Feb 202412 Mar 2025
121null.groupCommuniGal Communication Ltd.12 Jun 202413 Jun 202412 Jun 2025
122null.exposedGoogle, Inc.19 Aug 20204 Apr 202419 Aug 2024
123null.careOne.com A/S18 Feb 202324 Jan 202418 Feb 2025
124null.de--8 Oct 2020-
125null.foundationGandi SAS7 Nov 20199 Oct 20237 Nov 2024
126null.realtyNameCheap, Inc.15 Mar 202315 Mar 202315 Mar 2024
127null.servicesGoDaddy.com, LLC5 May 20176 May 20245 May 2025
128null.academyGoDaddy.com, LLC12 May 202412 May 202412 May 2025
129null.fyiCloudFlare, Inc.4 Aug 202010 Jul 20234 Aug 2024
130null.clothingNameCheap, Inc.7 Jun 202222 Jun 20247 Jun 2025
131null.coffeeGandi SAS2 Jul 201716 Aug 20232 Jul 2024
132null.place1API GmbH11 Jul 201711 Jul 202311 Jul 2026
133null.supplyNameCheap, Inc.10 Jul 201715 Jun 202310 Jul 2024
134null.moneyNameCheap, Inc.13 Nov 202228 Dec 202313 Nov 2024
135null.enterprisesCloudFlare, Inc.30 Sep 20175 Sep 202330 Sep 2024
136null.frlRealtime Register B.V.16 Oct 201716 Oct 201716 Oct 2018
137null.businessName.com, Inc.13 Jan 202227 May 20239 Apr 2032
138null.trainingNameCheap, Inc.10 Nov 201710 Nov 201710 Nov 2018
139null.styleGMO Internet Inc.17 Nov 20176 Nov 202317 Nov 2024
140null.watchDomeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com29 Nov 201717 Mar 202429 Nov 2024
141null.videoDomeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com29 Nov 201713 Apr 202429 Nov 2024
142null.org.uk-8 Dec 202111 Dec 20238 Dec 2024
143null.digital-26 Nov 202328 Mar 202426 Nov 2024
144null.familyGoogle, Inc.25 Jan 20181 Apr 202425 Jan 2025
145null.limitedMesh Digital Limited25 Jun 20208 Aug 202325 Jun 2023
146null.tattooUniregistrar Corp10 May 201811 May 201810 May 2019
147null.betTucows Domains Inc.10 May 201819 Apr 202410 May 2025
148null.voteNameCheap, Inc.23 May 20203 Aug 202323 May 2023
149null.propertiesPorkbun, LLC3 Oct 202217 Nov 20233 Oct 2024
150null.petGandi SAS10 Nov 202025 Dec 202310 Nov 2024
151null.caGandi SAS2 Feb 20018 Nov 20231 Feb 2027
152null.fishGoogle, Inc.16 Aug 201816 Apr 202416 Aug 2024
153null.techNameCheap, Inc.18 Apr 202331 Mar 202418 Apr 2025
154null.toolsGoDaddy.com, LLC25 May 202026 May 202425 May 2026
155null.plusChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…27 Oct 201816 Jan 202427 Oct 2026
156null.marketingregister.com, Inc.14 Nov 201820 Oct 202314 Nov 2024
157null.guide1API GmbH27 Nov 201811 Jan 202027 Nov 2020
158null.photosNameCheap, Inc.18 Dec 202323 Dec 202318 Dec 2025
159null.centerGoogle, Inc.31 May 202131 May 202431 May 2025
160null.graphics-16 Nov 202324 Apr 202416 Nov 2025
161null.houseKey-Systems, LLC25 Feb 201910 Apr 202425 Feb 2025
162null.communityGandi SAS1 Mar 201914 Feb 20241 Mar 2032
163null.devGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Feb 20196 Apr 202421 Feb 2025
164null.showDNSPod, Inc.26 Jun 202024 Jul 202226 Jun 2030
165null.pizzaTucows Domains Inc.16 Dec 202017 Dec 202316 Dec 2024
166null.supportPorkbun, LLC3 May 202216 May 20243 May 2025
167null.exchangeNameCheap, Inc.9 May 201922 Apr 20249 May 2025
168null.churchGoogle, Inc.20 May 201920 May 202420 May 2025
169null.farmGoogle, Inc.28 May 201929 May 202428 May 2025
170null.townNameCheap, Inc.14 Nov 202029 Dec 202314 Nov 2024
171null.reisenGoogle, Inc.21 Jun 201911 Jun 202421 Jun 2025
172null.directGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jul 201924 Aug 202310 Jul 2024
173null.eventsCloudFlare, Inc.4 Aug 201910 Jul 20234 Aug 2024
174null.xn--6frz82gNameCheap, Inc.27 Aug 20192 Aug 202327 Aug 2024
175null.partnersNameCheap, Inc.15 Mar 202315 Mar 202315 Mar 2024
176null.reviewPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com2 Oct 20196 Jan 20232 Oct 2025
177null.fr-3 Sep 200410 Oct 201825 Apr 2021
178null.dealsCloudFlare, Inc.31 Oct 201925 Mar 202431 Oct 2025
179null.taxNameCheap, Inc.23 Apr 202428 Apr 202423 Apr 2025
180null.uk-30 Oct 201726 Jan 202430 Oct 2024
181null.venturesGoogle, Inc.13 Dec 201923 Apr 202413 Dec 2024
182null.clubGandi SAS3 Jan 20207 Dec 20233 Jan 2025
183null.instituteNameCheap, Inc.25 Jan 202231 Dec 202325 Jan 2025
184null.expressNameCheap, Inc.15 Mar 202315 Mar 202315 Mar 2024
185null.recipesName.com, Inc.21 Mar 202021 Mar 202021 Mar 2021
186null.expertNameCheap, Inc.15 Apr 202330 Apr 202415 Apr 2025
187null.joburgTucows Domains Inc.26 Apr 20201 May 202126 Apr 2021
188null.swiss1API GmbH30 Apr 202014 Jun 202430 Apr 2025
189null.goldAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…14 Feb 202422 Feb 202414 Feb 2027
190null.picturesGoogle, Inc.10 Jan 201724 Feb 202410 Jan 2029
191null.observerPorkbun, LLC11 Oct 202130 Jan 202411 Oct 2024
192null.managementGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Jul 202025 Feb 202416 Jul 2024
193null.doctorNameCheap, Inc.12 Feb 202325 Mar 202412 Feb 2024
194null.asiaPorkbun, LLC20 Jun 200824 Jun 202420 Jun 2025
195null.financeGoogle, Inc.11 Mar 202225 Apr 202411 Mar 2025
196null.fundNameCheap, Inc.13 Jun 202413 Jun 202413 Jun 2025
197null.productionsGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 202425 May 202424 May 2026
198null.holdingsNameCheap, Inc.14 Nov 202014 Nov 202014 Nov 2021
199null.schoolNameKing.com Inc.28 Apr 20248 May 202428 Apr 2025
200null.contactPorkbun, LLC23 Mar 20223 Jun 202423 Mar 2024
201null.xyzGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Feb 202230 May 202424 Feb 2025
202null.plumbingGoogle, Inc.19 Jan 202119 Jan 202119 Jan 2022
203null.moePorkbun, LLC20 Jan 202128 Nov 202320 Jan 2025
204null.artGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Mar 202129 Apr 202424 Mar 2026
205null.kitchenName.com, Inc.7 Jun 202121 May 20247 Jun 2025
206null.sbsPorkbun, LLC17 Jun 202120 Jul 202117 Jun 2022
207null.latGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 202316 Apr 20249 Mar 2025
208null.estateOVH sas4 Sep 20214 Sep 20214 Sep 2022
209null.cheapNameCheap, Inc.29 Jun 20234 Jun 202429 Jun 2024
210null.questNameCheap, Inc.10 Nov 202125 Oct 202310 Nov 2024
211null.cfdPorkbun, LLC28 Aug 202317 Oct 202328 Aug 2024
212null.fanGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 202414 Feb 20249 Feb 2029
213null.internationalGandi SAS3 Mar 20226 Feb 20243 Mar 2025
214null.xn--tckweGandi SAS4 Mar 202218 Apr 20244 Mar 2024
215null.ru.comNameKing.com Inc.19 Mar 202229 Apr 202219 Mar 2023
216null.taipeiGandi SAS18 May 202216 Apr 202418 May 2025
217null.tradeNameCheap, Inc.23 May 202228 Apr 202423 May 2025
218null.my.id-14 Oct 201914 Sep 202114 Oct 2023
219null.ccGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Jan 200923 Jan 202422 Jan 2025
220null.spaceGandi SAS11 Mar 201515 Apr 202411 Mar 2028
221null.topAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…20 Aug 201827 Aug 201920 Aug 2028
222null.st-8 Jun 201525 May 20228 Jun 2023
223null.com.coGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Apr 202420 Apr 202415 Apr 2026
224null.net.coCSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.c…28 May 201726 May 202427 May 2027
225null.dk-16 Oct 1997-31 Dec 2022
226null.com.au--7 May 2024-
227null.nz-24 Oct 201722 Oct 2023-
228null.web.id-17 Oct 202217 Oct 202217 Oct 2023
229null.tc-28 Jan 2019-28 Jan 2025
230null.catBlacknight Internet Solutions Ltd.19 Mar 201414 Mar 202419 Mar 2025
231null.downloadGandi SAS7 Nov 202215 Aug 20237 Nov 2024
232null.afKey-Systems GmbH24 Mar 201723 Oct 202324 Mar 2024
233null.homes-17 Jan 20246 Feb 202417 Jan 2025
234null.saleNameCheap, Inc.2 Aug 20223 Aug 20232 Aug 2024
235null.co.jp-9 May 202315 May 2023-
236null.boats-25 Feb 20248 Mar 202425 Feb 2025
237null.baby-28 Mar 20243 May 202428 Mar 2025
238null.appGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Aug 201917 Sep 20233 Aug 2024
239null.bzTucows Domains Inc.29 Aug 20212 Sep 202329 Aug 2024
240null.greenNameCheap, Inc.16 Jan 202329 Mar 202416 Jan 2024
241null.actorNameCheap, Inc.25 Jun 202031 May 202425 Jun 2025
242null.bandGandi SAS21 Feb 202219 Feb 202421 Feb 2025
243null.barunited-domains AG25 Sep 201931 May 202425 Sep 2024
244null.suppliesGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jan 202313 May 202424 Jan 2025
245null.bondNameCheap, Inc.22 Feb 202218 Mar 202222 Feb 2024
246null.bot101domain, Inc.5 Dec 201730 Sep 20235 Dec 2024
247null.boutiqueGlobal Domains International, Inc. DBA DomainCostC…30 Jan 20223 Oct 202230 Jan 2023
248null.workGandi SAS8 Mar 201812 Jun 20248 Mar 2033
249null.vipNameCheap, Inc.2 Feb 202212 Feb 20242 Feb 2025
250null.cabDNSPod, Inc.18 Jan 202223 Jan 202218 Jan 2027
251null.co.nz-5 Jun 200124 May 2024-
252null.campNameCheap, Inc.12 Oct 202017 Sep 202312 Oct 2024
253null.capitalGandi SAS10 Apr 202115 Mar 202410 Apr 2025
254null.cardsGoogle, Inc.1 Nov 202217 Apr 20241 Nov 2024
255null.cashXiamen ChinaSource Internet Service Co., Ltd.24 Dec 202025 Dec 202324 Dec 2024
256null.gamesGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Sep 201625 Jul 202327 Sep 2027
257null.best-23 Apr 202428 Apr 202423 Apr 2025
258null.net.au--8 Sep 2022-
259null.cn-17 Mar 2003-17 Mar 2025
260null.vgTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.17 Jul 20234 Feb 202417 Jul 2024
261null.qa--5 Aug 2023-
262null.hr-17 Apr 20033 Feb 20243 Feb 2025
264null.salonNetowl, Inc.19 Feb 202325 Dec 202319 Feb 2025
265null.claimsGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Feb 20237 Apr 202425 Feb 2024
266null.so-31 Aug 20229 Oct 202331 Aug 2024
267null.lgbtPorkbun, LLC4 Mar 202318 Apr 20244 Mar 2025
268null.airforceNameCheap, Inc.15 Mar 202315 Mar 202315 Mar 2024
269null.armyOVH sas15 May 202315 May 202415 May 2025
270null.navyGoogle, Inc.30 Aug 202325 Apr 202430 Aug 2024
271null.partsNameCheap, Inc.15 Mar 202315 Mar 202315 Mar 2024
272null.earthDynadot, LLC22 Mar 202322 Mar 202422 Mar 2024
273null.net.nz-10 Apr 20077 Apr 2024-
274null.kidsGandi SAS14 Dec 202215 Aug 202314 Dec 2024
275null.incGMO Internet Inc.24 Jun 202215 Jun 202424 Jun 2025
276null.gayDynadot, LLC16 Sep 20207 Sep 202316 Sep 2024
277null.llcGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Apr 202420 Apr 202415 Apr 2025
278null.yokohamaInstra Corporation Pty Ltd.15 Mar 202117 Apr 202415 Mar 2026
279null.cyouPorkbun, LLC4 Aug 202031 Aug 20234 Aug 2029
280null.picsNameCheap, Inc.15 Apr 202330 Apr 202415 Apr 2025
281null.danceNameCheap, Inc.14 Nov 202028 Oct 202214 Nov 2023
282null.dayGoogle, Inc.23 Dec 20216 Jun 202423 Dec 2024
283null.fitChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…9 Oct 202323 Mar 20249 Oct 2024
284null.funPorkbun, LLC27 Jun 201825 Sep 202327 Jun 2024
285null.gameGandi SAS21 Jan 202215 Apr 202421 Jan 2025
286null.gardenNameCheap, Inc.9 Dec 202114 Nov 20239 Dec 2024
287null.horseNameCheap, Inc.19 Apr 202225 Mar 202419 Apr 2025
288null.howeNom, Inc.30 Apr 20215 Apr 202430 Apr 2025
289null.icuAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…7 Dec 201913 Oct 20237 Dec 2024
290null.creditNameCheap, Inc.15 Apr 202330 Apr 202415 Apr 2025
291null.inDynadot, LLC29 Apr 201419 Aug 202329 Apr 2025
292null.ioName.com, Inc.2 Oct 20106 Sep 20232 Oct 2024
293null.istTucows Domains Inc.31 Dec 20164 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
294null.istanbulGandi SAS2 Jul 20172 Jul 20232 Jul 2024
295null.jetztRegistryGate GmbH4 Jan 201918 Feb 20244 Jan 2025
296null.ly-29 Mar 202028 Feb 202429 Mar 2025
297null.monster-24 Feb 20248 Mar 202424 Feb 2025
298null.newsName.com, Inc.25 Feb 20198 Apr 202425 Feb 2024
299null.nycGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Jul 20161 Aug 202326 Jul 2024
300null.pageGandi SAS25 Mar 202215 Aug 202325 Mar 2025
301null.streamCloudFlare, Inc.10 Jan 20201 Apr 202410 Jan 2026
302null.sxEPAG Domainservices GmbH4 Jul 202118 Aug 20234 Jul 2023
304null.acPorkbun, LLC16 Dec 202016 Dec 202316 Dec 2024
305null.co.ke-12 Sep 202226 Aug 202312 Sep 2024
306null.fo-12 Jun 202313 Jun 202412 Jun 2025
307null.he.cnEranet International Limited5 Apr 2023-5 Apr 2025
308null.surfNameCheap, Inc.26 Aug 202123 Oct 202326 Aug 2024
309null.me.uk-7 Jul 20237 Jul 20237 Jul 2024
310null.tvGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Mar 201019 Mar 202423 Mar 2025
311null.shGandi SAS16 Feb 201221 Jan 202416 Feb 2025
312null.momInternet Works Online International (HK) Co., Limi…30 Aug 20234 Sep 202330 Aug 2024
313null.cymruTucows Domains Inc.11 Sep 202311 Sep 202311 Sep 2028
314null.cam-27 Sep 202324 Oct 202327 Sep 2024
315null.hairNamesilo, LLC31 Oct 202323 Dec 202331 Oct 2024
316null.com.de--12 Dec 2023-
317null.rodeoPorkbun, LLC20 Nov 202325 Nov 202320 Nov 2024
318null.socialName.com, Inc.1 Dec 202115 Nov 20231 Dec 2024
319null.boxNamesilo, LLC25 Jan 20248 May 202425 Jan 2025
320null.blogGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 202418 Apr 20249 Feb 2029
321null.storeGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 202418 Apr 20249 Feb 2029
322null.sucksGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 202414 Feb 20249 Feb 2029
323null.com.cn-27 Aug 2020-27 Aug 2024
324null.cl-7 Mar 2000-5 Apr 2025
325null.ie-17 Feb 202015 Jul 202117 Feb 2026
326null.lt-30 Jan 2018-31 Jan 2025
327null.ro-20 Nov 2001-18 Nov 2024
328null.tubeGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Feb 20226 Jun 20245 Feb 2025
329null.su-5 Aug 2019-5 Aug 2024
330null.sk-17 May 20043 May 202417 May 2025
331null.marketsNameCheap, Inc.15 Jun 202415 Jun 202415 Jun 2025
332null.skinPorkbun, LLC18 Jun 2024-18 Jun 2025
333nulledtemplates.comBigRock Solutions Ltd.29 Sep 20192 Dec 202329 Sep 2025
334nullingthevoid.comDreamHost, LLC5 Oct 20114 Sep 20235 Oct 2024
335nullpunktfeld.comGMO Internet Inc.4 Aug 20235 Feb 20244 Aug 2024
336nullriver.comNetwork Solutions, LLC6 May 20027 Mar 20236 May 2026
337nullseo.comInternet Domain Services BS Corp6 Apr 201010 Mar 20246 Apr 2026
338nullsoft.comOVH sas18 May 19971 Dec 202323 Dec 2024
339nulltarif.de--17 Feb 2017-
340nullcon.netGandi SAS16 Mar 200915 Jan 202416 Mar 2025
341nulledit.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com30 Nov 201724 Nov 202030 Nov 2025
342nulledonline.org-1 Nov 20122 Nov 20121 Nov 2013
343nulledphp.comDynadot, LLC17 Oct 20215 Jan 202417 Oct 2024
344nulled.in-10 Apr 200714 Oct 202310 Apr 2026
345nullbarriere.de--12 Aug 2018-
346nulled-inc.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC29 May 201529 May 201529 May 2016
347nulled.orgEvoPlus Ltd.17 Aug 201019 Sep 202317 Aug 2024
348nulleurocent.de--2 Feb 2018-
349null-team.comNoteworthy Domains, LLC17 Dec 20221 Mar 202417 Dec 2023
350nulledmania.comEpik Inc.3 Apr 202314 Mar 20243 Apr 2025
351nullpoantenna.comJapan Registry Services Co., Ltd.6 Mar 201226 Jan 20246 Mar 2025
352null-hypothesis.co.uk-18 Aug 200424 Aug 201618 Aug 2018
353nulldesign.de--23 Mar 2017-
354nulledscriptor.orgNameCheap, Inc.28 Nov 202123 Mar 202428 Nov 2024
355null-leasing.comMarkMonitor Inc.4 Mar 200812 Oct 20234 Mar 2025
356nulled-script.infoNameCheap, Inc.23 Jan 202123 Jan 202123 Jan 2022
357nully.orgDynadot, LLC27 May 202219 May 202427 May 2025
358null-audio.comFastDomain Inc.24 Jul 200919 Nov 202324 Jul 2024
359nulled.ccNameCheap, Inc.11 Apr 200713 Mar 202411 Apr 2026
360nulledhacking.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited10 May 201810 May 201810 May 2019
361nulledscripts.it-22 Jan 20175 Feb 201822 Jan 2018
362nulledweb.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com30 Jun 201824 Jun 202030 Jun 2025
363null-host.de--14 Sep 2011-
364nulled-scripts.netDynadot, LLC4 Apr 202215 May 20244 Apr 2024
365nulledapk.comKey-Systems GmbH27 Nov 201126 Nov 202327 Nov 2024
366nulleds.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com12 Oct 20146 Oct 202012 Oct 2024
367nullrefer.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Apr 201121 Jun 20244 Apr 2025
368null-provision.de--8 Aug 2019-
369null-x.meCommuniGal Communication Ltd.21 Feb 202426 Feb 202421 Feb 2025
370nulledphp.org-28 Jul 201227 Sep 201228 Jul 2013
371nulledscripts.usUdomainName.com LLC13 Jan 201715 Jan 201812 Jan 2018
372nullpointer.inGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 201725 Mar 202410 Jun 2027
373nullprozentshop.de--16 Dec 2019-
374nullreferenceexception.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com21 Oct 201415 Oct 202021 Oct 2024
375null-x.ccNameCheap, Inc.5 May 20145 Apr 20245 May 2025
376nullads.comEranet International Limited29 Dec 201230 Dec 202329 Dec 2024
377nullall.comPipeline Domains, LLC9 Dec 20231 Feb 20249 Dec 2024
378nulldesign.jp-27 Jun 20089 Aug 202330 Jun 2024
379nulldownload.comGMO Internet Inc.6 Aug 202311 Aug 20236 Aug 2024
380nulled-code.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Nov 202115 Nov 202314 Nov 2024
381nulled-theme.comInternet Domain Services BS Corp4 Jan 20244 Jan 20244 Jan 2025
382nulled.io-2 Aug 201811 Apr 20222 Aug 2025
383nulled24.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com5 Oct 201415 Jan 20205 Oct 2025
384nulled4free.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201717 Jun 201717 Jun 2018
385nulledbb.comNameCheap, Inc.2 Dec 201319 Nov 20232 Dec 2024
386nulledcanyon.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com4 Aug 201729 Jul 20204 Aug 2024
387nulledclonescripts.comDropCatch.com 926 LLC2 Jul 201814 Aug 20232 Jul 2024
388nulledclub.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com22 Apr 201816 Apr 202122 Apr 2025
389nulledcode.netGoDaddy.com, LLC5 May 20143 May 20245 May 2025
390nulleddownload.com-9 Mar 202311 May 20249 Mar 2024
391nulledforum.pwPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com20 Mar 201525 Mar 201520 Mar 2016
392nulledirectory.comNames Stop Here LLC7 Jan 20217 Jan 20217 Jan 2022
393nulledking.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com22 Aug 201415 Jan 202022 Aug 2024
394nulledlistings.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd29 Jun 202330 Jun 202429 Jun 2025
395nullednet.comDropCatch.com 972 LLC30 Nov 20231 Dec 202330 Nov 2024
396nulledphp2.comSkykomishdomains.com LLC15 Feb 201716 Feb 201715 Feb 2018
397nulledscriptlistings.comDomainParkBlock.com LLC1 May 20161 May 20161 May 2017
398nulledscriptsfree.neteNom, Inc.3 Dec 20143 Dec 20143 Dec 2015
399nulledscriptz.meKey-Systems, LLC14 Jul 201420 Nov 201414 Jul 2015
400nulledstylez.comZone of Domains LLC1 Sep 20231 Sep 20231 Sep 2024
401nulledtheme.netNameCheap, Inc.16 Apr 202328 Jun 202416 Apr 2024
402nulledthemes.netNameCheap, Inc.23 Jun 201425 May 202423 Jun 2025
403nulledthemes.orgRealtime Register B.V.18 Oct 20228 Jan 202418 Oct 2024
404nulledthemes4.meWild West Domains, LLC28 Jun 201310 Jul 201728 Jun 2018
405nulledtr.comNics Telekomünikasyon Ticaret Ltd. Şti.19 Dec 202224 Dec 202319 Dec 2024
406nulledtube.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Nov 201912 Nov 201912 Nov 2020
407nulledwordpress.orgMarkMonitor Inc.19 Jun 201423 May 202419 Jun 2026
408nulledwordpresstheme.comTucows Domains Inc.15 Apr 202019 Apr 202115 Apr 2021
409nulledwordpressthemes.comHosting Concepts B.V. dba Openprovider18 Dec 202318 Dec 202318 Dec 2024
410nulledworld.net1&1 Internet AG1 Oct 20191 Oct 20191 Oct 2020
411nulledwp.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com26 Oct 201620 Oct 202026 Oct 2025
412nulledwp.netGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 202320 Mar 20247 Sep 2024
413nulledxf.comDynadot9 LLC17 Jun 202227 Aug 202317 Jun 2023
414nullege.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 200925 Jan 202414 Dec 2024
415nuller.orgPorkbun, LLC2 Aug 202215 Aug 20232 Aug 2024
416nullez.comDropCatch.com 938 LLC16 Oct 202216 Nov 202316 Oct 2023
417nullgiko.netGoDaddy.com, LLC3 May 201426 Apr 20243 May 2025
418nullism.comNameCheap, Inc.27 Mar 201326 Feb 202427 Mar 2025
419nullissime.comOVH sas11 Jul 20148 Dec 202311 Jul 2024
420nullit.netGMO Internet Inc.7 Mar 20227 Mar 20247 Mar 2025
421nulll-void.comNameCheap, Inc.16 Jan 200523 Aug 202316 Jan 2033
422nullled.comJiangsu Bangning Science and technology Co. Ltd.29 May 20202 Jul 202429 May 2024
423nullnull.mePorkbun, LLC10 Dec 201724 Jan 202410 Dec 2024
424nullphp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Aug 202219 May 202410 Aug 2025
425nullprogram.comCloudFlare, Inc.30 Aug 20075 Feb 202130 Aug 2024
426nullproxy.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd26 Jul 202222 Jun 202326 Jul 2024
427nullreferrer.comEnom2, Inc.21 Mar 201824 Mar 202421 Mar 2025
428nullschool.netNameCheap, Inc.3 Mar 200411 Feb 20203 Mar 2029
429nullscriptdownload.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Sep 201424 Sep 201424 Sep 2015
430nullskull.comregister.com, Inc.24 May 201224 Apr 202424 May 2025
431nullsoft.infoCommuniGal Communication Ltd.29 Nov 20231 Jan 202429 Nov 2024
432nullstory.comDropCatch.com 549 LLC22 Apr 202323 May 202422 Apr 2024
433nullstreet.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com3 Feb 201711 Jan 20213 Feb 2025
434nullthemedownload.comKey-Systems GmbH14 Jul 202127 Dec 202214 Jul 2024
435nullwarrior.comDropSave.com, Inc.21 Nov 201721 Nov 201721 Nov 2018
436nullxf.comNameCheap, Inc.28 Feb 202311 May 202428 Feb 2024
437nullhype.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com3 Apr 202223 Aug 20223 Apr 2025
438nullcarbuptake.comeNom, Inc.22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
439nullcarboabsorption.comeNom, Inc.22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
441nullwave.ru-12 Nov 2006-12 Nov 2024
443nulls.su-14 Mar 2019-14 Mar 2025
445nulled.wfOne.com A/S4 Feb 20174 Feb 20172 Apr 2018
446nulled.wsRegtime Ltd.6 Jun 20079 Oct 20236 Jun 2025
452nullanswer.comGabia, Inc.8 Mar 20248 Mar 20248 Mar 2025
453nullability.netNameCheap, Inc.18 Jun 202418 Jun 202418 Jun 2025
455nulledfreedownload.comNameCheap, Inc.17 Mar 202329 May 202417 Mar 2024
457nulledscriptdownloads.comTucows Domains Inc.31 Oct 201731 Oct 201731 Oct 2018
458nulltheme.netCommuniGal Communication Ltd.18 Jun 202419 Jun 202418 Jun 2025
459nulledclonescripts.netTLDs LLC dba SRSplus24 Feb 201515 Mar 202324 Feb 2032
460nulledthemeswordpress.comHongkong Domain Name Information Management Co., L…25 Apr 202125 Apr 202125 Apr 2022
462nulledphpscripts.comDropCatch.com 742 LLC21 Jun 202322 Jun 202321 Jun 2024
463nulled-scripts.xyzNameCheap, Inc.13 May 201530 Apr 202413 May 2025
464nullsex.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com12 Sep 20186 Sep 202012 Sep 2024
465nulledshare.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com16 Feb 201710 Feb 202116 Feb 2025
468nullcartooncr.comLaunchpad, Inc.24 Oct 201414 Oct 201624 Oct 2017
469nulledrepo.comNameCheap, Inc.7 Dec 20187 Dec 20187 Dec 2019
470nulledseo.comPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot9 Nov 20209 Nov 20209 Nov 2021
471nulledbay.comPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot12 Nov 202323 Apr 202412 Nov 2024
472nullhypothesis.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Oct 200331 Aug 202221 Oct 2024
474nullnfull.comKey-Systems GmbH12 Jan 201329 Nov 202212 Jan 2025
476nulledpirate.comBlue Angel Domains LLC14 Oct 201914 Oct 201914 Oct 2020
478null-alkohol-voll-power.de--8 Jul 2015-
479nulledthemes.todayGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Feb 201523 Feb 201518 Feb 2016
480nullnull.netGoogle, Inc.8 Oct 20229 Oct 20238 Oct 2024
481nulltask.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Aug 201813 Oct 20229 Aug 2024
482nullreview.comDropCatch.com 715 LLC16 Mar 202417 Mar 202416 Mar 2025
483nullkumdo.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Oct 201426 Oct 201625 Oct 2017
484nulledphpscript.comDropCatch.com 1395 LLC5 Nov 20236 Nov 20235 Nov 2024
485nullbox.mobiGoDaddy.com, LLC27 May 201328 May 201527 May 2016
486nullbox.meGoDaddy.com, LLC27 May 201327 May 201527 May 2016
487nullamlife.comWild West Domains, LLC27 May 201328 May 201527 May 2016
488null-box.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC28 May 201328 May 201528 May 2016
489null-box.netGoDaddy.com, LLC28 May 201329 May 201528 May 2016
490nullforge.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201330 May 201530 May 2016
491nullforge.meGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201330 May 201530 May 2016
492nullforge.mobiGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201331 May 201530 May 2016
493null-reference.netGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 201431 May 201531 May 2016
494nullitas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20121 Jun 201531 May 2016
495nullappstyphoon.comLaunchpad, Inc.26 Oct 20144 Oct 201726 Oct 2018
496nulli-secundus.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jun 200516 Jun 20154 Jun 2016
497nullzonegame.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201424 May 201523 May 2016
498nullnetworks.netKey-Systems GmbH2 Nov 202215 Jan 20242 Nov 2023
499nullnetworks.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com8 Aug 20172 Aug 20208 Aug 2024
500nullion.neteNom, Inc.26 Oct 201426 Oct 201426 Oct 2015
501nulledmirror.comeNom, Inc.26 Jan 201223 Jan 201726 Jan 2018
502nullaosta.comeNom, Inc.14 Aug 201125 Aug 202314 Aug 2024
503nullcarbabsorption.comeNom, Inc.28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
504nullworm.comCJSC Registrar R01-3 Jun 20213 Jun 2022
505nullcode.netGMO Internet Inc.20 Apr 202420 Apr 202420 Apr 2025
506nullby.mobi1API GmbH29 Oct 2014-29 Oct 2015
507nulledscripts.comFabulous.com Pty Ltd.11 Oct 200619 Oct 202311 Oct 2024
508nullkumbup.comNamesilo, LLC15 Jul 202016 Jul 202015 Jul 2021
509nulls.orgNameKing.com Inc.2 Apr 202117 May 20242 Apr 2025
510nulled.bizNameCheap, Inc.19 Mar 202219 Mar 202419 Mar 2025
511nullroute.comGandi SAS16 Apr 200222 Sep 202316 Apr 2026
512nullwert.orgunited-domains AG28 Oct 20149 Jun 202428 Oct 2024
513nullxf.infoeNom, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
514nulledxf.infoeNom, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
515null-url.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Jan 201621 Jan 201621 Jan 2017
516nulledscripts.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC3 May 20243 May 20243 May 2025
517nullmovies.comDNSPod, Inc.5 Jul 20216 Jul 20215 Jul 2022
518nullxf.orgeNom, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
519nullxf.netNameCheap, Inc.7 Nov 202315 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
520nulledxf.orgeNom, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
521nulledxf.neteNom, Inc.29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
522nullification.orgNamesilo, LLC18 Aug 20092 Oct 202318 Aug 2024
523nulltarifheizung.comeNom, Inc.31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2015
524nullwiki.comGMO Internet Inc.7 Feb 20197 Feb 20197 Feb 2020
525nullth.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jan 20119 Jan 20249 Jan 2025
526nullmachine.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Nov 202118 Nov 202118 Nov 2026
527nullagvikhotel.comNetwork Solutions, LLC15 Jun 201127 Jun 202315 Jun 2026
529nullumcura.comDeutsche Telekom AG1 Nov 20148 Dec 20171 Nov 2018
530nullproject.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com1 Nov 201426 Oct 20201 Nov 2024
531nullteen.comGo China Domains, LLC10 Jun 201521 May 202410 Jun 2025
532null-audio.netWild West Domains, LLC3 Jun 20173 Jun 20173 Jun 2018
533nulltax.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com24 Mar 202018 Mar 202124 Mar 2025
534nulledmarket.netPorkbun, LLC5 Oct 202216 Dec 20235 Oct 2023
535nullykahporn.comGo Montenegro Domains, LLC25 Mar 201514 Apr 201525 Mar 2016
536nullr00t.comNetwork Solutions, LLC12 Jun 201413 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
537nullandsonfuneralhome.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Apr 200628 Apr 202427 Apr 2025
538nulltheme.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Jun 20115 Jun 202429 Jun 2025
539nulled.info-30 Jun 202430 Jun 202430 Jun 2025
540nullipotent.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 201310 Jun 201510 Jun 2016
541nullstory.netGabia, Inc.3 Nov 20148 Nov 20153 Nov 2016
542nullfurniture.comTucows Domains Inc.12 Feb 200113 Feb 202412 Feb 2026
543nullsecninjas.netGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jun 201312 Jun 201511 Jun 2016
544nullproject.netTiger Shark Domains, LLC25 Apr 201630 May 201725 Apr 2018
545nullvpn.comCloudFlare, Inc.7 Feb 20219 Jan 20247 Feb 2025
546nullpointerman.comMijn InternetOplossing B.V.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
547nullbe.comGoogle, Inc.26 Dec 201924 Feb 202426 Dec 2023
548nullapoena.de--27 Apr 2007-
549nullozinejr.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Jul 20087 Jun 202416 Jul 2026
550nulltime.comLaunchpad, Inc.20 Feb 200823 Oct 202320 Feb 2025
551nullstowing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jan 20059 Jul 202313 Jan 2025
552nullenergy.comNameCheap, Inc.12 Mar 20144 Apr 202412 Mar 2025
554nullsucks.comAcens Technologies, S.L.U.4 Nov 201430 Oct 20224 Nov 2027
555nulledcss.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
556nullah-aquaria.comeNom, Inc.4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
557nullelectronics.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Nov 201413 May 20245 Nov 2025
558nullcollective.comNameCheap, Inc.25 Feb 201826 Jan 202425 Feb 2025
559nulledscripts4all.comNameCheap, Inc.22 Sep 2021-22 Sep 2022
560nullmyid.com1API GmbH19 Aug 201411 Feb 201519 Aug 2017
561nullpix.comName.com, Inc.19 Aug 201414 Aug 202219 Aug 2027
562nulltube.comDropCatch.com 1422 LLC17 Apr 20198 Apr 202417 Apr 2025
563nullifies.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201418 Jun 201517 Jun 2016
564nulliio.comTucows Domains Inc.17 Nov 202228 Jan 202417 Nov 2023
565nullmobi.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2017
566nullriot.comGoogle, Inc.19 Aug 201418 Jun 202419 Aug 2024
567nulledscript.infoNameCheap, Inc.7 Sep 202312 Oct 20237 Sep 2024
568nullbite.comNameCheap, Inc.31 Mar 202128 Feb 202231 Mar 2025
569nulledfr.com1&1 Internet AG12 Jan 201512 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
570nullifieds.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jan 201512 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
571nullrobots.orgTucows Domains Inc.8 Jan 201112 Jan 20158 Jan 2016
572nullinside.comDreamHost, LLC22 Aug 202019 Jul 202322 Aug 2024
573nulllook.comAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…15 Sep 202116 Sep 202315 Sep 2024
574nullosophy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Aug 201421 Aug 201421 Aug 2015
575null-energiehaus.net1API GmbH6 Feb 20156 Feb 20156 Feb 2016
576nullcanvas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Feb 20226 Feb 20226 Feb 2025
577nullcanvas.net1&1 Internet AG7 Feb 20157 Feb 20157 Feb 2016
578nulled-area.comTucows Domains Inc.6 Feb 201510 Feb 20166 Feb 2017
579nulledstore.com-5 Aug 20225 Sep 20235 Aug 2024
580nullhome.comDropCatch.com 1171 LLC3 Jan 20244 Jan 20243 Jan 2025
581nullhq.comCloudFlare, Inc.11 Jan 202418 Jan 202411 Jan 2025
582nullisecundusconsultingcorp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Feb 20157 Feb 20247 Feb 2025
583nullnecrosis.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Feb 20157 Feb 20157 Feb 2017
584null-sec.netNameCheap, Inc.11 Jan 2022-11 Jan 2023
585nulltarif-heizung.comeNom, Inc.7 Nov 20147 Nov 20147 Nov 2015
586nullcondition.com10dencehispahard, S.L.29 Nov 201729 Nov 201729 Nov 2018
587nullclothing.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com29 Aug 201823 Aug 202029 Aug 2024
588nullifai.orgSynergy Wholesale Pty Ltd24 Jun 201524 Jun 201524 Jun 2016
589nulldowntime.orgNamesilo, LLC7 Nov 201415 Jul 20237 Nov 2032
590nulldowntime.netNamesilo, LLC7 Nov 201410 Jul 20237 Nov 2032
591nullae.comNameCheap, Inc.12 Aug 201424 Jan 201812 Aug 2019
592nullsetmusic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Aug 201416 Sep 202212 Aug 2024
593nulltv.orgTucows Domains Inc.20 Aug 201124 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
594nulluminati.comName.com, Inc.19 Sep 20233 Apr 202419 Sep 2025
595nullresultband.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Nov 20149 Nov 20149 Nov 2016
596nulledware.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com23 Aug 201817 Aug 202023 Aug 2024
597nulleddirectory.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Dec 201931 Jan 202418 Dec 2024
598nulla-spray.comGMO Internet Inc.26 Aug 20145 Jul 201626 Aug 2019
599nullbs.netTucows Domains Inc.22 Aug 201325 Aug 201422 Aug 2015
600nullbs.orgTucows Domains Inc.22 Aug 201326 Aug 201422 Aug 2015
601nullcache.comNameCheap, Inc.25 Aug 20145 Aug 202225 Aug 2024
602nullcache.netNameCheap, Inc.25 Aug 20145 Aug 202225 Aug 2024
603nullru.comRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…22 Aug 200921 Aug 202321 Aug 2024
604nullblogs.comNamesilo, LLC24 Dec 201825 Dec 201824 Dec 2019
605nulls-united.comNetwork Solutions, LLC14 Aug 201412 Aug 201614 Aug 2018
606nullusr.comCloudFlare, Inc.15 Mar 202110 Jan 202415 Mar 2025
607nullinfinity.comGoogle, Inc.3 Dec 20029 Apr 20243 Dec 2024
608nullplus.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com27 Aug 201421 Aug 202027 Aug 2025
609nullrom.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited27 Aug 201427 Aug 201427 Aug 2015
610nullsarchive.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Aug 201427 Aug 201427 Aug 2015
611nullviernull.com1&1 Internet AG19 Jan 202019 Jan 202019 Jan 2025
612nulliuskhanpictures.comWild West Domains, LLC10 Nov 201410 Nov 201410 Nov 2015
613nullhammer.comTucows Domains Inc.7 Nov 20129 Oct 20237 Nov 2024
614nulldarkthirty.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Nov 201411 Nov 201411 Nov 2016
615nullkj.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd8 Jun 20179 Jun 20248 Jun 2025
616nullpowerflow.comregister.com, Inc.15 Aug 201415 Aug 201415 Aug 2015
617nullzero.usTucows Domains Inc.15 Aug 20148 Aug 201714 Aug 2018
618nullcheckpoint.comregister.com, Inc.28 Aug 20149 Nov 201628 Aug 2017
619nullgini.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Aug 201428 Aug 201428 Aug 2015
620nullllllllllll.comGandi SAS28 Aug 201424 Aug 201728 Aug 2018
621nullthefuture.neteNom, Inc.27 Aug 201427 Aug 201427 Aug 2015
622null-bits.comGoogle, Inc.15 Dec 201515 Dec 201515 Dec 2016
623nullhammer.netTucows Domains Inc.7 Nov 20123 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
624nulle-en.infoGandi SAS25 Oct 200127 Aug 201625 Oct 2017
625nulledspot.comNameCheap, Inc.30 Aug 202131 Jul 202330 Aug 2024
626nullstone.orgCPS-Datensysteme GmbH10 Nov 201410 Nov 201410 Nov 2015
627nullrat.comNetwork Solutions, LLC13 Jul 202313 Jul 202313 Jul 2024
628nullarborboutique.comCrazy Domains FZ-LLC14 Nov 201414 Nov 201414 Nov 2015
629nullandsonsfuneralhome.comTucows Domains Inc.8 Sep 201312 Sep 20148 Sep 2015
630nulledsamurai.comTucows Domains Inc.8 Sep 201311 Sep 20148 Sep 2015
631nulledscriptdownload.comDreamHost, LLC28 May 202129 May 202428 May 2024
632nullface.comDropCatch.com 1311 LLC31 Jan 20241 Feb 202431 Jan 2025
633nullinc.comDropCatch.com 972 LLC6 Jan 202331 Dec 20236 Jan 2025
634nulltools.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Sep 201416 Sep 202211 Sep 2024
635nulladjustment091.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Aug 201429 Aug 201429 Aug 2015
636nulloperator.comDreamHost, LLC15 May 202215 May 202215 May 2025
637nulloperatorgame.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com30 Aug 201430 Aug 201430 Aug 2015
638nullify.infoTucows Domains Inc.18 Jul 202227 Sep 202318 Jul 2023
639nullpunktet.comDomeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com30 Aug 201416 Jun 201730 Aug 2017
640nullerrtravel.comDomain.com, LLC13 Sep 201413 Sep 201413 Sep 2015
641nulledshare.netLimited Liability Company "Registrar of domain nam…20 Oct 202320 Oct 202320 Oct 2024
642nulledstuff.netNamesilo, LLC13 Sep 201414 Sep 201413 Sep 2015
643nullurl.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Sep 201413 Sep 201413 Sep 2015
644nullsoh.comKey-Systems GmbH31 Aug 201430 Aug 201731 Aug 2018
645nullzucker.comKey-Systems GmbH8 Aug 201712 Sep 20238 Aug 2024
646nullplusplus.comTucows Domains Inc.25 Dec 202224 Dec 202325 Dec 2024
647nullbyter.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Sep 201416 Sep 201416 Sep 2015
648nullalien.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Sep 20143 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
649nullalien.netGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Sep 20143 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
650nullh.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com14 Jan 20168 Jan 202114 Jan 2026
651nullindy.com1&1 Internet AG2 Sep 20142 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
652nullok.comKey-Systems GmbH1 May 20231 May 20231 May 2025
653nulleck.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
654nulln8.comeNom, Inc.15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
655nullwendekreismaeher.comRegistryGate GmbH15 Sep 201415 Sep 201415 Sep 2015
656nullitt.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Nov 201415 Nov 201415 Nov 2017
657nulledbox.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com25 Apr 201827 May 202425 Apr 2024
658nullcloud.comAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…22 Jan 201825 Jan 202422 Jan 2025
659null0r.comMesh Digital Limited16 Sep 201415 Sep 202316 Sep 2024
660nullworlds.comNameCheap, Inc.16 Sep 201417 Aug 202316 Sep 2024
661nulldevelopment.netTPP Wholesale Pty Ltd.4 Sep 201428 Aug 20164 Sep 2017
662nullsan.comXiamen Nawang Technology Co., Ltd29 Nov 201929 Nov 201929 Nov 2020
663nullcar.com-6 Aug 20202 Aug 20226 Aug 2024
664nullpiksel.comeNom, Inc.17 Sep 201425 Jan 201717 Sep 2017
665nulled-skript.comRegister NV dba Register.eu17 Sep 201417 Sep 201417 Sep 2015
666nullapublishing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Sep 201416 Sep 201617 Sep 2017
667nulled-script-theme.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com12 Dec 201512 Dec 201512 Dec 2016
668nullpacket.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com27 Oct 201321 Oct 202027 Oct 2025
669nullboundary.netGandi SAS5 Nov 202216 Nov 20235 Nov 2025
670nullified.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Nov 20176 Jan 202422 Nov 2024
671nullboundary.orgGandi SAS5 Nov 202221 Nov 20235 Nov 2025
672null-zwei.com-2 Sep 20132 Sep 20132 Sep 2017
673nullinteractive.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Mar 20232 Apr 202421 Mar 2025
674nullninja.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com5 Sep 201430 Aug 20205 Sep 2024
675nullabreeze.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Nov 202310 Nov 202310 Nov 2024
676nulloperations.netTucows Domains Inc.20 Sep 201424 Sep 201720 Sep 2017
677nullrias.comeNom, Inc.19 Sep 201419 Sep 201419 Sep 2015
678nullthought.comNameCheap, Inc.5 Sep 20226 Aug 20235 Sep 2024
679nullds.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Nov 201417 Nov 201417 Nov 2015
680nullie.orgeNom, Inc.6 Sep 201410 Sep 20236 Sep 2024
681nullnummer.netPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot6 Sep 201414 Apr 20246 Sep 2024
682nullw0rm.comInternet.bs Corp.6 Sep 20146 Sep 20146 Sep 2015
683null-library.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Sep 201420 Sep 201420 Sep 2017
684nullserver.netOVH sas20 Sep 20141 Sep 202320 Sep 2024
685nullogic.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com11 Jan 201620 Aug 202111 Jan 2026
686nullsystems.netNetwork Solutions, LLC2 Sep 20204 Jul 20232 Sep 2024
687nullyvoidness.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com18 Nov 201428 Nov 202318 Nov 2024
688nullshim.comTucows Domains Inc.15 Nov 201019 Nov 201415 Nov 2015
689nullerzone.comTucows Domains Inc.15 Nov 201319 Nov 201415 Nov 2015
690nullentertainment.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Sep 202215 Jan 202420 Sep 2024
691nulledok.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com25 Oct 201719 Oct 202025 Oct 2024
692nulleddownloads.comDropFall.com, Inc.13 Sep 202313 Sep 202313 Sep 2024
693nullelements.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Mar 20193 Mar 20232 Mar 2025
694nullindustries.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com4 Nov 201226 Aug 20214 Nov 2024
695nullpointerexceptionfactory.comNamesilo, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
696nullrootix.comTucows Domains Inc.2 Oct 20146 Oct 20152 Oct 2016
697nullpointerexceptionfactory.mobiNamesilo, LLC9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
698null-message.comNameCheap, Inc.18 Jun 2020-18 Jun 2021
699nulledmaster.comDropCatch.com 1122 LLC20 Sep 20233 Nov 202320 Sep 2024
700nulltext.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jan 202122 Feb 202411 Jan 2024
701nulledwarez.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com27 Apr 201821 Apr 202127 Apr 2025
702nulltex.comHosting Ukraine LLC1 May 20201 May 20201 May 2025
703nullphilosophy.comWild West Domains, LLC22 Sep 201426 Sep 201622 Sep 2018
704nullshim.orgTucows Domains Inc.15 Nov 201019 Nov 201415 Nov 2015
705nullremovercreamkuchikomi.comGMO Internet Inc.21 Nov 201421 Nov 201421 Nov 2015
706nullozero.comPapaki Ltd.20 Nov 20143 Dec 202320 Nov 2024
707nulldownloadsaz.netPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com19 Nov 201419 Nov 201419 Nov 2015
708nullcn.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Sep 201417 Sep 202224 Sep 2024
709nullbestfiles.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Oct 20147 Oct 20146 Oct 2015
710nullpointerenergy.comNetArt Registrar Sp. z o.o.6 Oct 20146 Oct 20146 Oct 2015
711nullast.comTucows Domains Inc.7 Oct 20147 Oct 20147 Oct 2015
712nulledthemeforest.netNICENIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED8 Oct 20148 Oct 20147 Oct 2024
713nullzwei.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com27 Jan 201221 Jan 202127 Jan 2026
714nulledparadise.comeNom, Inc.21 Nov 201421 Nov 201421 Nov 2015
715nullstellen.comDynadot14 LLC10 Sep 202221 Oct 202310 Sep 2023
716nullcowebdesign.usGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Sep 201427 Sep 201426 Sep 2015
717nulldaytracks.comInternet.bs Corp.8 Oct 20148 Oct 20148 Oct 2015
718nullidee.comWild West Domains, LLC8 Oct 20147 Sep 20168 Oct 2017
719nulljoy.comGoogle, Inc.6 Nov 201926 Jan 20246 Nov 2024
720nullpacket.bizDomainPeople, Inc.8 Oct 20147 Oct 20237 Oct 2024
721nullie.nameName.com, Inc.---
722nullreality.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Sep 201413 Nov 202329 Sep 2024
723nullifynsa.comDropCatch.com 522 LLC22 Nov 202322 Nov 202322 Nov 2024
724nullwork.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Feb 20204 Feb 20243 Feb 2025
725nullvn.comNetwork Solutions, LLC16 Oct 201416 Oct 201416 Oct 2015
726nullny.mobi1API GmbH16 Oct 2014-16 Oct 2015
727nullmva.comDomeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com17 Oct 201416 Jun 201717 Oct 2017
728nulledplugin.comNICENIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED17 Oct 201417 Oct 201416 Oct 2024
729null6.netRegistryGate GmbH8 Oct 20218 Oct 20218 Oct 2022
730nullpointticketman.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 201412 Oct 201412 Oct 2015
731nullvine.comeNom, Inc.26 Sep 201426 Sep 201426 Sep 2015
732nullmasters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Aug 202214 Oct 20232 Aug 2023
733nullfa.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Dec 201613 Dec 202315 Dec 2024
734nulled-warez.orgeNom, Inc.12 Oct 201412 Oct 201412 Oct 2015
735nulledthemez.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Feb 201728 Feb 201728 Feb 2018
736nullpointerexceptionticketman.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 201412 Oct 201412 Oct 2015
737nullpointerticketman.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 201412 Oct 201412 Oct 2015
738nulllog.comGMO Internet Inc.30 Apr 20191 Apr 202430 Apr 2025
739nullcommute.comNameCheap, Inc.24 Nov 201414 Dec 202324 Nov 2024
740nullbound.comGMO Internet Inc.22 Jul 201421 Jul 202322 Jul 2024
741nulltag.comNamesilo, LLC24 Aug 20194 Dec 202324 Aug 2024
742nulledscriptzz.comBigRock Solutions Ltd.17 Oct 201418 Oct 201417 Oct 2015
743nulleddl.comeNom, Inc.18 Oct 201418 Oct 201418 Oct 2015
744nullboap.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com18 Oct 201418 Oct 201418 Oct 2015
745nullnullnull.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Oct 201417 Oct 201417 Oct 2015
746nulltoo.comTucows Domains Inc.14 Oct 201418 Oct 202014 Oct 2020
747nulltoo.netTucows Domains Inc.14 Oct 201418 Oct 202014 Oct 2020
748nullvar.neteNom, Inc.14 Oct 20149 Oct 201614 Oct 2017
749nullares.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com1 Apr 20223 May 20241 Apr 2024
750nullpointerstudio.netTucows Domains Inc.23 Apr 20167 Apr 201723 Apr 2018
751null-bank.com1&1 Internet AG15 Oct 201416 Oct 201615 Oct 2018
752null-bank.net1&1 Internet AG15 Oct 201416 Oct 201615 Oct 2017
753nullbank.comNameKing.com Inc.3 Jan 20193 Nov 20223 Jan 2025
754nullbank.net1&1 Internet AG15 Oct 201416 Oct 201615 Oct 2017
755nullyks.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Nov 201425 Nov 201425 Nov 2016
756nulltarif-sanierung.comeNom, Inc.26 Nov 201426 Nov 201426 Nov 2015
757nulledzone.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com7 Aug 20164 Jan 20227 Aug 2025
758nullaufhundert.comCronon AG25 Jun 202425 Jun 202425 Jun 2025
759null-switch.comGabia, Inc.22 Nov 201127 Nov 201422 Nov 2015
760nuller.infoPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com27 Nov 201427 Nov 201427 Nov 2015
761nullport.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com15 Feb 20169 Feb 202115 Feb 2025
762nullohost.comBizcn.com, Inc.22 Nov 201329 Nov 201422 Nov 2015
763nullbos.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Dec 20141 Dec 20141 Dec 2015
764nulledthe.neteNom, Inc.29 Nov 201429 Nov 201429 Nov 2015
765nullberry.comCloudFlare, Inc.28 Sep 201821 Sep 202328 Sep 2024
766nullious.netNameCheap, Inc.1 Dec 201420 Aug 20231 Dec 2024
767nullular.netNameCheap, Inc.3 Dec 20143 Nov 20233 Dec 2024
768nullapariatur.comOVH sas4 Dec 20144 Dec 20144 Dec 2015
769nullacube.comFastDomain Inc.3 Dec 20143 Dec 20173 Dec 2018
770null-1cuentacanciones.comLaunchpad, Inc.3 Dec 20143 Dec 20143 Dec 2015
771nullwhore.comGMO Internet Inc.7 Mar 20167 Mar 20167 Mar 2017
772nullux.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Dec 201431 Aug 20234 Dec 2024
773nullfuga.comCSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.c…4 Dec 201426 Oct 20164 Dec 2017
774nullight.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited12 May 201512 May 201512 May 2018
775nulledby.usGMO Internet Inc.28 Mar 201729 Mar 201727 Mar 2018
776nullsid.netGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Dec 20146 Dec 20146 Dec 2015
777null-lux.netPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot6 Dec 20147 Dec 20176 Dec 2018
778nulledcores.netregister.com, Inc.8 Dec 20148 Dec 20148 Dec 2015
779null-zinsen-was-tun.infounited-domains AG9 Dec 201410 Jun 20249 Dec 2024
780nullui.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Dec 20141 Dec 202310 Dec 2024
781nullnews.comNameCheap, Inc.30 Aug 201631 Jul 202330 Aug 2024
782nulltricks.comVautron Rechenzentrum AG12 Dec 201414 Dec 202312 Dec 2024
783nulledpk.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Dec 201414 Dec 202312 Dec 2024
784nullschoo.netDynadot, LLC23 Mar 202023 Mar 202023 Mar 2021
785nullfied.comPorkbun, LLC7 Nov 20101 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
786nulledapps.com1&1 Internet AG29 Dec 20228 Jan 202329 Dec 2024
787nullcabal.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201414 Dec 201414 Dec 2016
788nulled4u.comHostinger, UAB16 Dec 20206 May 202416 Dec 2029
789nullblogexception.comNamecroc.com LLC4 Mar 20195 Mar 20194 Mar 2020
790nullkommanullnull.comPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot15 Dec 20141 May 201715 Dec 2017
791null-3zahacheema.comLaunchpad, Inc.16 Dec 201416 Dec 201416 Dec 2015
792nulliand.infoDynadot, LLC15 Dec 201415 Dec 201415 Dec 2015
793nullfotograf.comAerotek Bilisim Taahut Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti.16 Dec 201418 Dec 202316 Dec 2024
794nullforums.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com5 May 202223 Aug 20225 May 2025
795nullemann.orgDomeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com16 Dec 201416 Mar 202416 Dec 2024
796nullpoint.bizGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Aug 201514 Aug 20161 Aug 2017
797nullitysolutions.netGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Dec 201418 Dec 201418 Dec 2015
798nullity.usGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Dec 201419 Dec 201417 Dec 2015
799nulledshare.orgregister.com, Inc.10 Jul 201724 Aug 202310 Jul 2024
800nulled-phpcoder.netBigRock Solutions Ltd.18 Dec 201418 Dec 201418 Dec 2015
801nullroutemotherfuckers.comGoogle, Inc.21 Dec 201421 Dec 201421 Dec 2015
802nulledprograms.comNameCheap, Inc.19 Sep 20221 Dec 202319 Sep 2023
803nulledapp.comDropCatch.com 1511 LLC17 Sep 202318 Sep 202317 Sep 2024
804nullchool.netDynadot, LLC1 Dec 20231 Dec 20231 Dec 2024
805nullvr.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Jul 20191 Jul 20191 Jul 2020
806nulllvoid.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Dec 201422 Dec 201422 Dec 2015
807null-a-records.comLaunchpad, Inc.12 Mar 201711 Mar 202312 Mar 2026
808nullpox.comUniverso Online S/A (UOL)22 Dec 201422 Dec 201422 Dec 2015
809nullfy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jan 202113 Jan 202413 Jan 2025
810nullibiety.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com12 Mar 20166 Mar 202112 Mar 2024
811nullphotography.comDropCatch.com 401 LLC13 Mar 202416 Mar 202413 Mar 2025
812nulledforum.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com13 Mar 20177 Mar 202113 Mar 2025
813nullpackets.comTucows Domains Inc.2 Sep 20161 Sep 20232 Sep 2024
814nullbi.comDropCatch.com 433 LLC10 May 202411 May 202410 May 2025
815nulledscripts.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Dec 202218 Aug 202330 Dec 2024
816nullvgames.comNetwork Solutions, LLC28 Dec 20145 Mar 201728 Dec 2017
817null-0servdomain.comLaunchpad, Inc.27 Dec 201427 Dec 201427 Dec 2015
818nullpt.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com7 Nov 202123 Aug 20227 Nov 2023
819nullcreations.comWix.com Ltd.3 Mar 202113 May 20243 Mar 2024
820nulledsoftware.comOVH sas7 Oct 20183 Oct 20237 Oct 2024
821nullblox.netGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Dec 20143 Jul 202328 Dec 2026
822nullhere.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited30 Aug 201830 Aug 201830 Aug 2019
823nullgames.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Mar 201617 Feb 202317 Mar 2025
824null-lairson.comNetwork Solutions, LLC16 Jul 20234 Sep 202316 Jul 2024
825nullum.asia-2 Jan 20153 Jan 20172 Jan 2019
826null-schulzelaw.infoLaunchpad, Inc.1 Jan 201522 Dec 20231 Jan 2025
827null2501.comTucows Domains Inc.2 Jan 201526 Dec 20232 Jan 2026
828nullameragon.comGoogle, Inc.4 Jan 201520 Apr 20244 Jan 2025
829nullelement.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jan 201516 Feb 20242 Jan 2025
830nullpointr.comAmazon Registrar, Inc.5 Feb 20222 Jan 20245 Feb 2025
831nulldn.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited5 Jan 20151 Oct 20155 Jan 2018
832nullk.infoColumbianames.com LLC2 Jul 20162 Jul 20162 Jul 2017
833nulled.uno-1 Jul 20142 Jul 201430 Jun 2015
834nullpointer.ninjaKey-Systems, LLC8 Apr 202123 May 20248 Apr 2025
835null-provision.immobilienCronon AG9 Jul 20149 Jul 20149 Jul 2015
836null-lairson.xyzNetwork Solutions, LLC27 Jul 201427 Jul 201427 Jul 2015
837nullspace.xyzNameCheap, Inc.13 Oct 201525 Sep 202313 Oct 2024
838nullbyte.systemsNameCheap, Inc.6 Jan 20207 Jan 20236 Jan 2025
839nulljoint.xyzGMO Internet Inc.21 Aug 20145 Aug 201521 Aug 2015
840nullenergiehaus.hamburgunited-domains AG27 Aug 201427 Aug 201627 Aug 2018
841nullraum.berlin1&1 Internet AG26 Aug 201426 Aug 201426 Aug 2018
842nullbale.xyzGMO Internet Inc.2 Sep 20142 Sep 20142 Sep 2015
843nullmemo.xyzGMO Internet Inc.9 Sep 20149 Sep 20149 Sep 2015
844nullbit.xyzCV. Jogjacamp3 Mar 20236 May 20243 Mar 2024
845nullpo.xyzGMO Internet Inc.16 Oct 201422 Apr 202416 Oct 2024
846nullifyobama.careeNom, Inc.24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
847nulled.gratisAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…11 Nov 201812 Nov 201811 Nov 2019
848nullrefexcep.comInternet Invest, Ltd. dba Imena.ua11 Aug 201512 Jul 202311 Aug 2024
849nullify.unoGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Aug 201515 Apr 202410 Aug 2024
850nullbyte.hostHostinger, UAB25 Nov 202125 Nov 202125 Nov 2022
851nullroute.ninjaGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Nov 20144 Jan 201820 Nov 2018
852null0.ninjaGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Nov 20144 Jan 201820 Nov 2018
853nulled.websiteHostinger, UAB8 Mar 202413 Mar 20248 Mar 2025
854null-energie-haus.clubTucows Domains Inc.28 Nov 20141 Dec 201827 Nov 2018
855nullpointer.xyz-23 Apr 20233 May 202423 Apr 2025
856nulled.linkTucows Domains Inc.30 Oct 20193 Nov 202230 Oct 2023
857nulled.ninjaNamesilo, LLC7 Apr 20167 Apr 20247 Apr 2025
858nullum.digitalGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201428 Jan 201714 Dec 2017
859nullum.venturesGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201414 Dec 201414 Dec 2015
860nullum.systemsGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201414 Dec 201414 Dec 2015
861nullenergiehaus.immounited-domains AG10 Dec 201419 May 202010 Dec 2020
862nulled.clickeNom, Inc.10 Dec 201410 Dec 201410 Dec 2015
863nulle.xyzAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…30 Jun 20241 Jul 202430 Jun 2025
864nullaufwand.immobilienCronon AG17 Dec 201431 Jan 201717 Dec 2017
865nullum.mediaGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Dec 201428 Jan 201714 Dec 2017
866nullify-behind-walking.blueGMO Internet Inc.29 Dec 2014-29 Dec 2015
867null-learned.pinkGMO Internet Inc.30 Dec 2014-30 Dec 2015
868nullpo.linkeNom, Inc.27 Dec 201427 Dec 201427 Dec 2015
869nullpunktfeld.xyzKey-Systems, LLC26 Dec 201410 Mar 201626 Dec 2016
870nullpunktenergie.xyzKey-Systems, LLC26 Dec 201410 Mar 201626 Dec 2016
871nullpunkt.xyzPorkbun, LLC7 Dec 201813 Feb 20247 Dec 2024
872null2.clubTucows Domains Inc.4 Jan 20159 Dec 20223 Jan 2025
873nullify-story.redGMO Internet Inc.30 Dec 2014-30 Dec 2015
874nullify-kneel.pinkGMO Internet Inc.30 Dec 2014-30 Dec 2015
875nulledscript.xyzNameCheap, Inc.30 Aug 202231 Aug 202330 Aug 2024
876nullvariable.ninjaGoogle, Inc.14 Jan 20154 Apr 202414 Jan 2025
877nullets.rockseNom, Inc.12 Jan 201513 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
878nulled.zoneNameCheap, Inc.8 Jan 20214 Apr 20248 Jan 2025
879nullvisjon.orgAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…12 Aug 201518 Jul 202312 Aug 2024
880nullsec.spaceNameCheap, Inc.21 Oct 20204 Oct 202321 Oct 2024
881nulled.hostingUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 201531 Jan 201531 Jan 2016
882null-energie.hausPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot6 Feb 20156 Feb 20156 Feb 2016
883nulls.clubPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com26 Mar 20218 Feb 202426 Mar 2025
884nullundeins.wienEPAG Domainservices GmbH13 Feb 201521 Dec 201913 Feb 2021
885nulla.scienceAlpnames Limited26 Feb 2015-25 Feb 2016
886nulled.ripNameCheap, Inc.24 Feb 201526 Apr 201724 Feb 2018
887nullify-notify.spaceGMO Internet Inc.20 Feb 201520 Feb 201520 Feb 2016
888null-clench.spaceGMO Internet Inc.20 Feb 201520 Feb 201520 Feb 2016
889nullify.websiteGMO Internet Inc.2 Mar 201517 Apr 20162 Mar 2017
890nullemission.websiteKey-Systems, LLC1 Mar 20152 Mar 20241 Mar 2025
891null-emission.websiteKey-Systems, LLC1 Mar 20151 Mar 20151 Mar 2016
892nullkoala.spaceNameCheap, Inc.27 Feb 201527 Feb 201527 Feb 2016
893nullhypothesis.sciencePDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com4 Feb 20186 Jan 20234 Feb 2026
894nullenergiehaus.kaufen-13 Mar 201513 Mar 201513 Mar 2017
895nullpon.moeInterlink Co., Ltd.10 Mar 201519 Apr 20249 Mar 2025
896nulled.spaceChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…4 Jun 20235 Jun 20244 Jun 2025
897null1.networkKey-Systems, LLC17 Mar 201520 May 201517 Mar 2016
898nulledcrack.scienceAlpnames Limited16 Mar 201516 Mar 201515 Mar 2016
899nullrout3d.scienceAlpnames Limited15 Mar 201515 Mar 201514 Mar 2016
900nulled.scienceNameCheap, Inc.18 Mar 201819 Mar 201818 Mar 2019
901null-undefined.scienceAlpnames Limited15 Mar 2015-14 Mar 2016
902nulledcode.scienceAlpnames Limited25 Mar 2015-24 Mar 2016
903nullable.science101domain, Inc.25 Mar 2015-24 Mar 2016
904nulledby.scienceAlpnames Limited23 Mar 201523 Mar 201522 Mar 2016
905nullbyte.scienceAlpnames Limited26 Mar 2015-25 Mar 2016
906nullvoid.spaceCloudFlare, Inc.9 Apr 202331 Aug 20239 Apr 2025
907nulledsresser.scienceAlpnames Limited30 Mar 2015-29 Mar 2016
908nulledbooter.scienceAlpnames Limited30 Mar 2015-29 Mar 2016
909nullpointerexception.clubXiamen ChinaSource Internet Service Co., Ltd.5 Aug 20207 Aug 20205 Aug 2021
910nullpo.workGMO Internet Inc.30 Oct 20234 Nov 202330 Oct 2024
911nulldev.ninjaGoogle, Inc.4 Apr 20155 May 20244 Apr 2024
912nullset.spaceGandi SAS8 Apr 201512 Feb 20178 Apr 2018
913nullidentity.comInterNetworX Ltd. & Co. KG12 Dec 202310 Jun 202412 Dec 2024
914nulled23.com-13 Jan 202316 Mar 202413 Jan 2024
915nullh.scienceAlpnames Limited21 Apr 201521 Apr 201520 Apr 2016
916nullinc.workGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Apr 201520 Dec 202328 Apr 2025
917nullilegio.spaceeNom, Inc.27 Apr 201511 Mar 201727 Apr 2018
918nulli.spaceeNom, Inc.27 Apr 201511 Mar 201727 Apr 2018
919nulledstresser.ovhOVH sas1 May 20152 May 20151 May 2016
920nulled.softwarePorkbun, LLC1 Nov 202131 Oct 20231 Nov 2024
921nullgallrey.comGMO Internet Inc.6 Jan 20156 Jan 20156 Jan 2016
922nullgallery.comNameCheap, Inc.3 Jun 20243 Jun 20243 Jun 2029
923nulledcore.com-1 Apr 20221 May 20241 Apr 2025
924nullbug.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com5 Jan 201530 Dec 20205 Jan 2025
925nullregistry.comFastDomain Inc.8 Jan 20158 Jan 20158 Jan 2016
926nullwaste.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com2 Aug 201826 Jun 20232 Aug 2024
927nullflat.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jan 20158 Jan 20158 Jan 2016
928nulley.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jan 20244 Jan 20244 Jan 2025
929nullcone.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jan 20159 Jan 20239 Jan 2025
930nulleeet.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Aug 2015-14 Aug 2016
931nulledpsd.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com6 Mar 20199 Apr 20196 Mar 2020
932nulledcanyon.netWild West Domains, LLC8 Aug 20208 Aug 20208 Aug 2021
933nulldegreedeodorant.comNameKing.com Inc.14 Aug 201521 Jul 201714 Aug 2018
934nullregistry.orgFastDomain Inc.8 Jan 20158 Jan 20158 Jan 2016
935nullwires.comShanghai Best Oray Information S&T Co., Ltd11 Jan 201511 Jan 201511 Jan 2016
936nullified96.comNameCheap, Inc.11 Jan 201516 Jan 201811 Jan 2019
937nullrobots.comNetwork Solutions, LLC31 Jul 201931 Jul 201931 Jul 2020
938nullricasbookie.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jan 201512 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
939nullwires.netShanghai Best Oray Information S&T Co., Ltd11 Jan 201511 Jan 201511 Jan 2016
940nullwires.orgShanghai Best Oray Information S&T Co., Ltd11 Jan 201511 Jan 201511 Jan 2016
941nullrobots.netTucows Domains Inc.8 Jan 201112 Jan 20158 Jan 2016
942nullismo.netDynadot, LLC12 Jan 201512 Jan 201512 Jan 2016
943nullptr.infoFastDomain Inc.13 Jan 20154 Jan 202413 Jan 2025
944nullsecure.comCloudFlare, Inc.31 Mar 201919 Apr 202431 Mar 2025
945nullforums.netGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Oct 202024 Oct 202319 Oct 2025
946nullnewb.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jan 201515 Jan 201515 Jan 2017
947nullpointertech.comGoogle, Inc.19 Oct 201919 Oct 201919 Oct 2020
948nullparadoxtickets.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jan 201515 Jan 201515 Jan 2016
949nullparadoxticket.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jan 201515 Jan 201515 Jan 2016
950nulli-secundus.comTucows Domains Inc.15 Jan 201514 Jan 202415 Jan 2025
951nulledden.comDreamHost, LLC15 Jan 201516 Jan 201515 Jan 2016
952nulledbase.comDropCatch.com 1090 LLC19 Oct 202320 Oct 202319 Oct 2024
953nullterminatedstrings.comGoogle, Inc.16 Jan 201513 Jun 202416 Jan 2025
954null-svroofing.comLaunchpad, Inc.16 Jan 201516 Jan 201516 Jan 2016
955nulllypop.comDropCatch.com 1103 LLC19 Jan 202313 Jan 202419 Jan 2025
956nulledmafia.spacePDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com17 May 201517 May 201517 May 2016
957nulledscripts.scienceAlpnames Limited18 May 2015-17 May 2016
958nullptr.emailKey-Systems, LLC24 May 201524 May 201524 May 2016
959nuller.clubGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201523 May 201522 May 2016
960nullzwei.koeln1&1 Internet AG6 May 201518 Jun 20176 May 2017
961nullify-dubious.clickGMO Internet Inc.27 May 201527 May 201527 May 2016
962nulledsoftware.workMinds + Machines Registrar Limited4 Jun 20154 Jun 20154 Jun 2016
963nulledgames.workMinds + Machines Registrar Limited4 Jun 20154 Jun 20154 Jun 2016
964nulled.workNamesilo, LLC3 Jul 20236 Feb 20243 Jul 2024
965nulledscripts.xyzDynadot, LLC28 May 202129 May 202428 May 2025
966nullroute.linkNameCheap, Inc.17 Jun 201517 Jun 201517 Jun 2016
967nullpointer.wtfNameCheap, Inc.17 Jun 201518 May 202417 Jun 2025
968nullrout3d.workMinds + Machines Registrar Limited15 Jun 201515 Jun 201515 Jun 2016
969nullednet.workMinds + Machines Registrar Limited15 Jun 201515 Jun 201515 Jun 2016
970nulled-net.workMinds + Machines Registrar Limited15 Jun 201515 Jun 201515 Jun 2016
971nulls.xyzDynadot, LLC20 Mar 202027 Apr 202420 Mar 2025
972nullpointer.clubGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Sep 202215 Aug 20234 Sep 2024
973nulledwpthemes.casaMinds + Machines Registrar Limited18 Jun 201518 Jun 201518 Jun 2016
974nulled.rocksName.com, Inc.24 Jun 20157 Jun 201724 Jun 2018
975nullsleep.ripName.com, Inc.12 Oct 20161 Feb 201712 Oct 2017
976nullroute.xyzDynadot, LLC4 Jun 20244 Jun 20244 Jun 2025
977nullptr.linkPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot10 Feb 201726 Mar 202410 Feb 2025
978nullzone.linkNameCheap, Inc.4 Jul 20154 Jul 20154 Jul 2016
979nulled.top-26 Feb 2024-26 Feb 2025
980nullity.linkGMO Internet Inc.5 Jul 20155 Jul 20155 Jul 2016
981nulledscripts.partyAlpnames Limited6 Jul 2015-5 Jul 2016
982nulledwebhost.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com16 Aug 201516 Aug 201516 Aug 2016
983nulladjacency.comGoogle, Inc.16 Aug 201511 Jun 202416 Aug 2024
984nullabfall.comKey-Systems GmbH16 Aug 201514 Aug 201616 Aug 2017
985nullops.netOVH sas16 Aug 20151 Aug 202316 Aug 2024
986nulladjacency.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 201516 Aug 201516 Aug 2016
987nulladjacency.netGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 201516 Aug 201516 Aug 2016
988nulladjacency.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 2015-16 Aug 2016
989nullify.newsWild West Domains, LLC15 Jul 20157 Jun 202415 Jul 2024
990nullification.newsBlue Razor Domains, LLC15 Jul 201529 Aug 202315 Jul 2024
991nulled.plusNameKing.com Inc.31 Mar 20211 Apr 202131 Mar 2022
992nullbiz.linkNameCheap, Inc.17 Jul 201517 Jul 201517 Jul 2016
993nullroute.networkGandi SAS22 Jul 201523 Jul 202322 Jul 2024
994nullops.xyzEpik Inc.23 Apr 202123 Apr 202123 Apr 2022
995nullebook.sciencePDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com26 Jul 201526 Jul 201525 Jul 2016
996nullacht15.teamPSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot29 Jul 201512 Sep 202329 Jul 2024
997nulled.visionAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…30 Jul 20156 Jan 201730 Jul 2017
998nulladies.parisGandi SAS2 Aug 20152 Aug 20172 Aug 2018
999nullchar.networkMarkMonitor Inc.6 Aug 201520 Sep 20236 Aug 2024
1000nullej.faithAlpnames Limited7 Aug 2015-6 Aug 2016

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