Our database now contains whois records of 605 Million (605,558,575) domain names.
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Domain: SPACES.CO.UK (16,542 similar domains)
Registrar: Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]
Query Time: 15 Mar 2025 - 8:52 PM UTC  [5 HRS BACK] [REFRESH]

Registered: 22nd July 2020  [4 years, 7 months, 22 days back]
Updated: 21st July 2024  [7 months, 23 days back]
Expiry: 22nd July 2026  [1 year, 4 months, 5 days left]


Registered until expiry date.




Short URL: whoxy.com/spaces.co.uk
Permalink: https://www.whoxy.com/spaces.co.uk

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Generator: x1.autowhois.com
Registry WHOIS: whois.nic.uk
Query Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:52:52 +0000

Domain name:

    Data validation:
        Nominet was able to match the registrant's name and address against a 3rd party data source on 16-May-2019

        Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]
        URL: http://www.parkingspace.co.uk

    Relevant dates:
        Registered on: 22-Jul-2020
        Expiry date:  22-Jul-2026
        Last updated:  21-Jul-2024

    Registration status:
        Registered until expiry date.

    Name servers:

    WHOIS lookup made at 20:52:53 15-Mar-2025

This WHOIS information is provided for free by Nominet UK the central registry
for .uk domain names. This information and the .uk WHOIS are:

    Copyright Nominet UK 1996 - 2025.

You may not access the .uk WHOIS or use any data from it except as permitted
by the terms of use available in full at https://www.nominet.uk/whoisterms,
which includes restrictions on: (A) use of the data for advertising, or its
repackaging, recompilation, redistribution or reuse (B) obscuring, removing
or hiding any or all of this notice and (C) exceeding query rate or volume
limits. The data is provided on an 'as-is' basis and may lag behind the
register. Access may be withdrawn or restricted at any time.
    "status": 1,
    "domain_name": "spaces.co.uk",
    "query_time": "2025-03-15 20:52:52",
    "domain_registered": "yes",
    "create_date": "2020-07-22",
    "update_date": "2024-07-21",
    "expiry_date": "2026-07-22",
    "domain_registrar": {
        "registrar_name": "Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]",
        "website_url": "http://www.parkingspace.co.uk"
    "name_servers": [
    "domain_status": [
        "Registered until expiry date."
    "raw_whois": "--------------------------------------------------\nGenerator: x1.autowhois.com\nRegistry WHOIS: whois.nic.uk\nQuery Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:52:52 +0000\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nDomain name:\r\n        spaces.co.uk\r\n\r\n    Data validation:\r\n        Nominet was able to match the registrant's name and address against a 3rd party data source on 16-May-2019\r\n\r\n    Registrar:\r\n        Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]\r\n        URL: http://www.parkingspace.co.uk\r\n\r\n    Relevant dates:\r\n        Registered on: 22-Jul-2020\r\n        Expiry date:  22-Jul-2026\r\n        Last updated:  21-Jul-2024\r\n\r\n    Registration status:\r\n        Registered until expiry date.\r\n\r\n    Name servers:\r\n        ns1.bodis.com\r\n        ns2.bodis.com\r\n\r\n    WHOIS lookup made at 20:52:53 15-Mar-2025\r\n\r\n-- \r\nThis WHOIS information is provided for free by Nominet UK the central registry\r\nfor .uk domain names. This information and the .uk WHOIS are:\r\n\r\n    Copyright Nominet UK 1996 - 2025.\r\n\r\nYou may not access the .uk WHOIS or use any data from it except as permitted\r\nby the terms of use available in full at https://www.nominet.uk/whoisterms,\r\nwhich includes restrictions on: (A) use of the data for advertising, or its\r\nrepackaging, recompilation, redistribution or reuse (B) obscuring, removing\r\nor hiding any or all of this notice and (C) exceeding query rate or volume\r\nlimits. The data is provided on an 'as-is' basis and may lag behind the\r\nregister. Access may be withdrawn or restricted at any time."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <query_time>2025-03-15 20:52:52</query_time>
  <registrar_name>Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]</registrar_name>
  <value>Registered until expiry date.</value>
Generator: x1.autowhois.com
Registry WHOIS: whois.nic.uk
Query Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:52:52 +0000

Domain name:&#13;
    Data validation:&#13;
        Nominet was able to match the registrant's name and address against a 3rd party data source on 16-May-2019&#13;
        Lively Ltd [Tag = GOOSEBERRY]&#13;
        URL: http://www.parkingspace.co.uk&#13;
    Relevant dates:&#13;
        Registered on: 22-Jul-2020&#13;
        Expiry date:  22-Jul-2026&#13;
        Last updated:  21-Jul-2024&#13;
    Registration status:&#13;
        Registered until expiry date.&#13;
    Name servers:&#13;
    WHOIS lookup made at 20:52:53 15-Mar-2025&#13;
-- &#13;
This WHOIS information is provided for free by Nominet UK the central registry&#13;
for .uk domain names. This information and the .uk WHOIS are:&#13;
    Copyright Nominet UK 1996 - 2025.&#13;
You may not access the .uk WHOIS or use any data from it except as permitted&#13;
by the terms of use available in full at https://www.nominet.uk/whoisterms,&#13;
which includes restrictions on: (A) use of the data for advertising, or its&#13;
repackaging, recompilation, redistribution or reuse (B) obscuring, removing&#13;
or hiding any or all of this notice and (C) exceeding query rate or volume&#13;
limits. The data is provided on an 'as-is' basis and may lag behind the&#13;
register. Access may be withdrawn or restricted at any time.</raw_whois>

Whois API Demo

Whois Lookup API

You can fetch the above results using our Whois Lookup API.


Whois API digs into WHOIS registry referral chains until the correct WHOIS servers are found, for the most complete WHOIS data.
Our WHOIS parser converts WHOIS data into well-structured fields (XML & JSON), which can easily be read by your application.
Whois API supports a total of 2026 Domain Extensions (gTLDs, ccTLDs & new gTLDs), ensuring all domains are supported.

Sample Output: JSON SchemaXML SchemaJSON Live ResultsXML Live Results

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1 Million Whois Lookup API Queries 1,000,000 $1,000 $1.00 Order Now
10 Million Whois Lookup API Queries 10,000,000 $5,000 $0.50 Order Now
25 Million Whois Lookup API Queries 25,000,000 $10,000 $0.40 Order Now

Who owned spaces.co.uk in the past? (4 records)

5 JAN 2018

Name: Hayes Davidson (17 domains)
Nameservers: dns0.easily.co.uk, dns1.easily.co.uk
Status: Nominet was able to match the registrants name and address against a rd party data source on Dec, Registered until expiry date

25 JUL 2020

Name: Robert Gardner (3,027 domains)  UPDATED
Country: United Kingdom (26.8 million domains from United Kingdom for $1,000)
Nameservers: ns1.domainmanage.uk, ns2.domainmanage.uk  UPDATED
Status: Nominet was able to match the registrants name and address against a rd party data source on Feb, Registered until expiry date  UPDATED

15 MAY 2021

Name: Michael Toth (13,958 domains)  UPDATED
Nameservers: ns1.lively.co.uk, ns2.lively.co.uk  UPDATED
Status: Nominet was able to match the registrants name and address against a rd party data source on May, Registered until expiry date  UPDATED

25 NOV 2023

Name: Michael Toth (13,958 domains)
Nameservers: ns1.lively.co.uk, ns2.lively.co.uk
Status: Registered until expiry date.  UPDATED

Whois History API returns all the historical WHOIS records of a domain name. For more details, please visit https://www.whoxy.com/whois-history/